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This is bullshit Microsoft!

Before you read the title and nothing else, I am NOT a Sony fanboy. I own both consoles and I owned the 360 first. Now read. This all started when I hear people giving Tom Clancy's Hawx shit for them shipping it out with some of the discs faulty. And they should give them shit because that's just stupid and they obviously just care about the money. But you don't hear anyone complain about Microsoft doing the exact same fucking thing! Even worse! Microsoft KNEW that the 360 was crap when they released it. They could've waited and released it later when it was fixed but NO they need to be before the PS3 so they can increase MONEY. They don't give a crap about the consumers. They've had SO much time to fix their crappy product but NO they would waste MONEY because they'd have to restock all the factories, fix it etc. So instead they just work on the next 360 watching the consumers buy 360 after 360 (as they break) making money.

PS: People complain about the PS3 being too expensive but they continue to buy multiple 360s. Going way over the price of a ps3.