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I've regularly visited Giantbomb since the beginning (2008?) but haven't ever commented.

I'm literally stunned right now and staring blankly at my computer screen. Despite the fact that this is my first-ever comment on the site, Ryan and everyone at Giantbomb are a big part of my life and don't even know it -- way back to when Giantbomb first started with those "How To Build A Bomb" videos. Ryan, along with the site's overall tone it takes within an industry of usually sleazy games journalism, was part of the reason why I decided in high school to go to journalism school.

Fast-forward three years and right now I'm in my senior year and interning at VICE, and I can't deny that without Ryan and everyone at Giantbomb, I wouldn't have made it here to New York this summer. Thanks. RIP. Like everyone else, I can't believe this -- so sad right now. This is such terrible fucking news.

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#2  Edited By ErikFranco

This and Uncharted 2 is going to take over my life.