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Celebrate America's Independence the Gamer Way

With the 4th of July weekend upon us all let us reflect on U.S. independence from the tyranny of King George in style. Here's a list (in no particular order) of games that will set fire to your revolutionary loins.

Caveat: If you live outside of the United States you are cordially invited to join us in our annual nose thumbing of the English Monarchy.

Caveat II: If you live in the United guys allegedly just voted for independence so you can celebrate too I guess!

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What bleeds red, white and blue more than nameless foreign terrorists dying in horrible explosions? What says "independence" more than destroying trees and even the land itself with guns and bombs? Defend your second amendment right to shoot fire with bullets to amazing effect! The logo has a bald eagle with American Flag wings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Technically it's America. It's America if we had decided to build cities that flew around spreading independence to all the godless heathens below (and didn't abolish slavery). Although the game was nothing like it's demo at E3 it's very good if not great and IT'S ON STEAM SALE UNTIL JULY 4th! (75% OFF!)

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Coincidence? I think not!

Seriously though if you've never played this game it's very pretty and the story is enjoyable to an extent. When I beat this game I felt a sense of accomplishment. You may not feel good when it's over. Depends on your ideas about the story. Lot's of odd alternate universe/time travel story arcs. But I did find myself caring about Elizabeth, the woman you are trying to save.

This game could be considered "anti" U.S. since you do shoot a robotic George Washington in the face on a regular basis. But it does celebrate our love of capitalism and guns so I give it a pass.

It also gives a nod to American obsession with narcotics. The abilities (aka. Vigors) are a fun little thing to fool around with. I personally liked burning the shit out of everything with Devil's Kiss. Results may vary.

I will say the one downside is that false choices that run rampant throughout. If you are presented with a choice in this game it does not matter what you do. There is one path and one path only...utter destruction of all things. Which can be exciting if you just embrace it.

Red Dead Redemption

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Ahhh the old west. Time to get on your horse and head to town for some drinking and whoring and gambling. When that gets old how about you shoot someone because they caught you cheating at cards?

This game would take every waking moment of your weekend to complete the story and then possibly some of the next two weeks to get 100% completion. But man...what a great time. See that bear? You can shoot it. See that wolf? Shoot it. See that guy near the bar? Shoot him. Wow. This game has everything.

It also has insanely long horse rides that will drive you crazy, and it's about 3 hours too long. Put that aside though. We're not here for some existential experience that will change our life. We're here to celebrate America and Freedom and this game serves them up on a steaming platter that's painted with the stars and bars.


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You begin the game as President of the United States and get a chance to pass a law known as "Fuck Cancer". Then aliens attack.

This game goes so far in mocking American culture that it actually comes full circle and becomes AMERICA cubed.

Although not as fun as it's predecessor in my opinion, the pop culture references and ridiculous side quests make this an enjoyable waste of time. With that said you may want to brush up on your late 80's and early 90's history so you don't miss the joke. The cameo of Roddy Piper alone is worth the price of...wait WHAT??? $3.47??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME STEAM?!?!

Anyways fuck it, if you don't want to play the game do yourself a favor and watch this video. You can send a thank you note to me later for making this the greatest weekend of your life (if you've seen the movie you'll agree...greatest moment in cinematic history).

Well, that's it. Four counts as a list in my book. I am on my second beer of 2,000 this weekend and I am going to go shoot some fireworks at my neighbors house. Have a fun and safe weekend! Please share some games that you think also embody this truly American holiday.

PS - Don't play any of these games this weekend. Go and celebrate in the summer weather with your friends and family.