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New in the game!

Just recently started using my account here actively, all thanks to the new quest system! =D
Been thinking about doing it for a while, but just never gotten around to it. Good thing someone came along and invented this useless but shamelessly entertaining system. Been following the Giant Bomb crew for several years, and really enjoyed everything they do. 
Been around since Rich Gallup lead On the Spot. Thats what first got me into the whole community. And short after I got my Gamespot premium account =)
To bad about everything that happened back there, I really miss a couple of the old guys. But hey, good things came out of it. Giantbomb is one of my favorite sites, and I visit it every day. Watch all of the video features etc. So its not all bad what happened back in the day I guess =) 
Will be updating my blog with recent updates regarding my gaming habits, and of course other pointless stuff I bet no one really cares about ^^