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Street Fighter 4 is hard to play with a controller.

Killzone 2 has finally arrived! A game thought to be : THE PS3 SAVIOR, THE HALO KILLER, THE BEST GAME EVERER!!!11!!1 After playing it for several hours I can confirm that it is a wonderful little game. However, like most, I'm having trouble acclimating myself to the controls! I understand the design decision but when I miss my mark by literally inches every time it starts to get irritating! Regardless of that fact I am finding myself enjoying SP more that most. That is because I actually like the lightweight story telling. As for the lines, there is not much left to say.

Flower at the opposite end of the spectrum has also been taking up some of my game time. Actually not much at all since I was able to finish it in about two hours. But that short experience left relaxed and calm. The last level especially left me all tingly inside. [spoiler]  The sensation of bringing color to the world as you rapidly swoop across the land, climb over buildings and destroy all darkness was incredible.[/spoiler]




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Edited By firen

Street Fighter 4 is hard to play with a controller.

Killzone 2 has finally arrived! A game thought to be : THE PS3 SAVIOR, THE HALO KILLER, THE BEST GAME EVERER!!!11!!1 After playing it for several hours I can confirm that it is a wonderful little game. However, like most, I'm having trouble acclimating myself to the controls! I understand the design decision but when I miss my mark by literally inches every time it starts to get irritating! Regardless of that fact I am finding myself enjoying SP more that most. That is because I actually like the lightweight story telling. As for the lines, there is not much left to say.

Flower at the opposite end of the spectrum has also been taking up some of my game time. Actually not much at all since I was able to finish it in about two hours. But that short experience left relaxed and calm. The last level especially left me all tingly inside. [spoiler]  The sensation of bringing color to the world as you rapidly swoop across the land, climb over buildings and destroy all darkness was incredible.[/spoiler]
