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I'm Makin a Game. Projectiles

I'm makin an XNA title and I've been updating my progress. 
This update basically shows projectiles from the player. I've also put in some combat code so that the enemies can attack the player as well. Moving forward, I'll be building up the players move set. I've also uploaded this one at the full resolution that the game will be at just cuz the video files are so damn big coming off of fraps, what's another few hundred megs to upload -_-;; 



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Edited By fobwashed

I'm makin an XNA title and I've been updating my progress. 
This update basically shows projectiles from the player. I've also put in some combat code so that the enemies can attack the player as well. Moving forward, I'll be building up the players move set. I've also uploaded this one at the full resolution that the game will be at just cuz the video files are so damn big coming off of fraps, what's another few hundred megs to upload -_-;; 

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Edited By PillClinton

hahaha dude, awesome!  is this Lincoln Force or something?  also where are you getting your music and fx?  i'm curious, as i work in audio. 

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Edited By fobwashed
@100_Hertz The fx are all off my terrible mic and me making noises into it then making modifications on some free audio program that can add some real basic effects. It's called audacity I think.

The music on the other hand, is music from other games that I'm adding to my vids to keep it a little more entertaining =P I'm prolly gonna hunt for some help in that department as I get further along since I can't make my own.... Or at least, even if I could, I'm already swamped as it is with the coding, art, gameplay mechanics, levels, story... Well, everything else that goes into making a game =P

Someone else responded asking what the point of this post was but I guess they deleted their equally pointless reply -_-;; this is the off-topic forums so I figured anything goes. I'm not selling or promoting anything here, just linking to my blog in case anyone might be interested in this stuff. If they're not, then the post will just be pushed down with the rest of the weird stuff like "what's your favorite type of bubble gum to chew while dancing?" type posts.

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Edited By PillClinton
@Fobwashed: oh yes, i know those kinds of posts well. 
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Edited By X19
Dude what is the game about (level ideas etc) because I need a reason to write some music this week. Don't expect you to use it just need something to motivate me. 
Good work by the way.
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Edited By fobwashed
@X19: I don't really want to give away much of what I've got planned as far as the story and the settings just yet but at it's core, it's gonna be a sidescrolling beatemup. Old examples would be River City Ransom, Streets of Rage, TMNT, newer examples would include Viewtiful Joe, Scott Pilgrim (though that game was made as a throwback). Thematically, it's gonna be for the most part, humorous and actiony. If you send me anything, I'll go ahead and at the very least attach it to an update vid =) 
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Edited By sameeeeam

Your choice of music pleases me a great deal.

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Edited By X19
@Fobwashed: Fair enough I just realised you've done other videos so I will watch a few and get a better idea of what to write for. My main problem is focusing on writing something that stays in harmony with the source material.  
Thanks will try and get something done over the next couple of days. 
Most of the stuff I've done is in my blog, here's a quick taste.
@100_Hertz: Hey man I noticed you posted a few times in Tebbits blog about mixing music. If I do write something worth using could you check the mix if you have time?
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Edited By fobwashed
@X19: Music sounds real groovy, I dig it. The stuff in the videos are for the most part all placeholder till I get the basic code right. I'm gonna start making actual art assets for use in the game sometime soon. I'm planning on putting the player through a variety of themed levels. I don't have anything to show just yet, and I'm not sure that as I make actual in game content, whether or not I'll be uploading those to vids but as a general idea, a few of the notes I'm gonna hit are environments reminiscent of classic castlevania, megaman and LoTR like fantasy.  
That dance central intro is a great vid btw. 
: Those classic tunes will never get old =D
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This is a smaller update that builds upon the previous one so I'll just post it here. Also, I didn't know you could just embed the vids into posts =P 
I've modified the projectile class some more and set it up so that you can spawn multiple projectiles at once. 
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Edited By PillClinton
@X19: Yeah man, for sure!  If it's anything like your Dance Central tune, I'm sure it's good.  I really like that a lot, btw.  Nice job on the drums kicking in corresponding with the chick punching the bag, and I like that future sax sounding lead synth you have there.  Good general motion and rhythm too--you just want to start bobbing your head along with those animated people. 
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Edited By Mr_Skeleton

Im sure everyone else know this but I can't help but to wonder why is Abe Lincoln throwing coins at monsters.

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Edited By fobwashed

So, another quickie. This one's been uploaded in HD since it's hard to see what's going on. 

I added the ability to aim the projectiles upwards and downwards. Again, this was added to the class itself so it can be used with other projectiles.. In addition to this, I noticed that it was hard to determine where the projectile would go, so I added a rudimentary aiming cursor. I'll replace it with something more spiffy looking later on but for now it gets the job done. 
That's it for now. I need more art -_-;;
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Edited By Rebirth1337

So how hard is it to make games with the XNA thingy.

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Edited By fobwashed
@Rebirth1337: That's hard question to answer. I started making my game engine roughly 6 months ago according to my earliest vid and while since then, I feel like I've got a much better grasp on C# and the XNA framework I've still got a long time to go. As for difficulty in coding, it's not that bad. Once you learn the language, as long as you have a decent grasp on math and know how to work your way around. . . for lack of a better word, logic chains, it's not that hard. The problem is that it takes time.  
I just realized I wrote a wall of text. Short answer at the very bottom. Detailed answer in between -_-;; 

Also, the difficulty has to do directly with how complicated what you want to do is. If you just want to make a space shooter or some puzzle game, I'd assume as long as you knew what you wanted to do, it wouldn't be all that hard while what I'm doing is a bit more complicated since it's a larger scope and there's more moving parts. My collision code for example, took me weeks of nonstop coding to put together and I'm still tweaking it as I go. I could have prolly used some middleware that's available and free but I decided not to for a few reasons. First was that I didn't want any code running that wasn't necessary so that in case I run into performance issues down the line, I'll know it's not due to some code somewhere I didn't write myself. Second, it seemed like good practice and similar to my first reason, I wanted to know all my code and to be able to know how exactly everything was working. Lastly, writing it all myself, I'm doing it in a way in which I can change, add or remove things myself instead of depending on someone else. 
So even something like collision though can be simple. If you just want things to collide and stop movement, easy peasy. You could prob knock it out in a few days. If you want to have a bunch of moving objects that can push and pull each other with force dependent on the mass of the things moving around and a bunch of other business. . . quite a bit more difficult. 
This is all just coding mind you. As for art, sound, story, gameplay mechanics, level design. . . that's yet even more work and a whole nother bag of ifs. 
It boils down to, it's as hard as you make it. If you want to make something easy with not much going on, it's prolly the easiest way you can make a game without something like those programs like gameMaker or rpgMaker or whatever. Though, with those, it's like coloring book, the systems have hard limitations on what can be done and what kind of game you can make whereas XNA is fully open. What XNA is at it's core is just a framework that lets you not worry about how to deal with the hardware. You have to make everything else yourself, but the really technical stuff having to do with working with Vid Cards have been set up for you. If you look on the 360 Indie channel, you'll see a wide range of games from some that look like they took a few months, to a couple that look like it took a whole lotta work and effort. On a side note, I'm pretty positive that game Terrania and Magika were both made using XNA. So quality stuff is very possible if you put the work in. 
I actually started making my own game because I really enjoyed WarioWare DIY but was totally miffed by it's strict limitations on art assets and game logic. You can check out the few games I made on those here. Funny enough, you can see a lot of inspiration in those for what I'm workin on now =P 
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Edited By Rebirth1337

I read both lol and this is pretty cool. But how does the XNA system work is it like a program on your Xbox or is it something on the PC. I think it would be crazy hard to code something using an Xbox controller.

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Edited By fobwashed
@Rebirth1337: It's a free thing you can download from Microsoft. Just google XNA and you should be able to find Visual Studio Express pretty easy. You program on your PC and if you join the Creater's Club, you can deploy builds of your game to your 360. You can also playtest and review other indie games before they get released.  
@Mr_Skeleton: That is unfortunately a question each person can only answer for themselves -_-;; Really though, if there were mosters. . . and all you had were coins, what would you do?