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Games I played in 2012

This started as a top games of 2012 list, but I decided against it. To be honest, I'm pretty broke, so I tend to research a game before I buy it, or it's a sequel to a game I like, or some other thing that ensures I'll like a title. Also, researching what came out when is alot of work, and odds are no one will read this anyways, so I'ma just do me and put some games I enjoyed in the year twenty-twelve. (just a heads up, they're in no order and they're not all released in 2012)

P.S. Spoiler Alert on a few of these. Don't worry about the more recent games, but a few of the older ones I've been a little in depth story wise. Just a word of warning.

List items

  • Full disclosure here, watching Patrick and Ryan's endurance run made me play this. It's almost a shame I didn't enjoy this almost seminal game sooner, (and to be honest, I have yet to beat it) because it has aged well, especially considering alot of games from that period. (hell, even some modern ones.) The lack of direction in places was sometimes frustrating, but I was always able to find my way back to the main thread. A good game, and I recommend it.

  • This game is perplexing. Many call it hard, but I don't find it to be. It's not hard, it's challenging. Semantics, I suppose, but I believe that at the end of the day all Dark Souls demands of the player is to know how to play Dark Souls and act accordingly. It's almost the antithesis of modern gaming in that way. Older games demanded alot of you, and rewarded you as such. I don't mean to turn this into a statement about the state of gaming, I'm simply saying that Dark Souls asks much of you, but for those willing to put in the time and tears, Dark Souls is a game well worth your money. (Also, the patch they released that fixed all the terrible Engrish in the game is a travesty. You defeated, you recovered. THE BEST.)

  • This game could be called Grand Theft Auto: Hong Kong, and one wouldn't be entirely remiss in such a statement. But the problem with that is that I don't believe it does it justice. This game in Grand Theft ratcheted up, but not quite as ridiculous as Saint's Row. The melee combat is spot on, adding an Arkham-esque counter system, as well as some grapples and enviromental moves that are one shot kills. A thoroughly enjoyable game, and a suprisingly good story of a cop skirting the line.

  • What can be said about Skyrim that hasn't already been said? It's amazing. I even have the PS3 version, (and yes, it's the worst version to have) and I still love this game. I keep making new characters with new specialties, and I still find new things about this game. It's really good. Like... like, really good.

  • To be honest, I played this game a while ago, and I'm glad for the distance between playing it then and writing this now. This game is fantastic. Really, truly. I can honestly say I've never felt as tense from a game as when I played through ME3. It really is a shame about the ending. (I won't get into it, the whole thing has been discussed to death by people better at internet writing than me) Besides that admittedly bitter taste, ME3 is still great, with a fun wave based multi player mode that I had some good times with.

  • Man, Handsome Jack is a dick. The fact that he's almost omnipotent, always there to say some mocking thing in your ear about his diamond horse or whatever is amazing and terrible. Borderlands 2 has some good writing, to the point where I laughed out loud a few times, and the gunplay continues the high bar set forth by the first. Loot lust, leveling up, more quest than you can shake a stick at, clever writing, and the now (sadly) dying out couch co-op mode make this a no brainer.

  • Another game I played because of a Giant Bomb Endurance Run. I picked up the copy for PSP, (I actually bought it and everything, I'm such a good person) and I am now a fan. The main draw of the game is it's story, which is a tense affair dealing with a supposedly unstoppable embodiment of death. (or something, I played it near the start of the year and I don't think they spend that much time fully exploring what it is) The end game story of the game pounds into your head that the final fight is pointless, and your struggle will ultimately prove fruitless no matter your actions, and that even thinking of stopping Nyx(the bad guy) is just lunacy, and that you should feel foolish for even thinking about it, and your girlfriend is laughing at you behind your back for even entertaining the idea for a split second, and why are you bothering to even play this game, just turn it off the whole mission is doomed. (I assume you can see where I'm going with this) Because of this, I actually maxed out the levels of my go to squad, and got the best persona for my main guy (Messiah) because I thought that would be required. It wasn't. Nix ate my dust as I blew her(it?) to pieces with little effort. If you've played the game and want to know who I used, it was the main character, (Cid) Junpei, (for physical/fire) Yukari (healer/wind) and ken. (because a little dude with a spear is rad) If you've got a PSP and are looking for a good game for it, you can do far worse than this title.

  • I know I said Sleeping Dogs was Grand Theft Auto cranked up, but I meant that more in that it was (in my opinion) a better game and with more depth. SR3 is Grand Theft cranked up in every other way. Your first mission has you doing a bank heist, and it just gets crazier and awesomer from there (yes, awesomer is a word. Trust me, no need to look it up) Having been a fan of SR2, I went into this game with high hopes, and they were met and surpassed in almost every way.

  • This game is a motherfucker. In a somewhat ballsy move, Firaxis released a game from a series that hasn't seen the light of day in nigh on a decade.and they knocked that thing right outta the park. Another suprisingly tense game, even when when everything is going your way, 9 times out of 10 you'll feel overwhelmed, with too few resources and too many aliens to kill. The macro level is spot on, letting you know what needs to be done, and what resources you have in such a smart way that you hardly notice it. The scarcity of resources makes any research or engineering project cost, and most likely cost dearly, but they must be done to prepare for the alien menace. and you will need to be prepared. The interface when you finally have boots on the ground is solid, and works very well with a controller. (I have the PS3 version) If you're a fan of strategy games, or just feel like shooting some gosh darn aliens, X-Com is one to keep an eye on.