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#1  Edited By g805ge
Bellum said:
"If there was a point to the movie, it went over my head. It was a pretty good movie, all around, I liked the characters, but if there was a message to be heard, I didn't hear it. By the ending I was left bewildered, thinking "Was I supposed to take something away from this?" I didn't even know it was a book, and I've never read it. Perhaps that's why I don't appreciate the movie."

This guy's theory might help you understand its message.
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#2  Edited By g805ge
Tarsier said:
"that dude is just trying to justify the way they give good reviews to crappy games on their show because it makes them money."
That wasn't his point. He's talking about how many gamers complain and dismiss video games over minor nitpicks that don't have any major negative or positive impact towards a game.
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#3  Edited By g805ge
Jayge said:
"jagt707 said:
"Tarsier said:
"that dude is just trying to justify the way they give good reviews to crappy games on their show because it makes them money."

Says the dude who doesn't know how to capitalizehow the first word they write {or type} in their sentences. *Sigh*, Gamers are indeed whiny morons."
Bullshit ad hominem arguments will get you nowhere, especially since you're barely above him on the scale of grammatical retardation. And you're both plebes compared to anyone who has passed an actual English class once in their lifetimes. If you're going to assault his opinion, do it without assaulting him personally."

You make a good point.... I'll do a better one!
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#4  Edited By g805ge
Bellum said:
The man is a snarky sensationalist who's just going to make the gaming industry worse.

Don't be stupid. A single reviewer isn't going to have any effect on the industry at all. You entire post is full of shining logic such as this. How am I to take you any more seriously than Yahtzee when you say things that are obviously meant to appeal to peoples emotions more than their intellect?"
Ifs just that I hate it when people try to shun me for not agreeing with Yahtzee and like the games he hates. I always get that from his fanboys. I can't get the sound of his fanboys out of my fucking mind. I hate his fanbase so much that it gets on my fucking nerves. I don't mind if people agree with him or being a fan of Yahtzee but I hate it when people call me a fanboy for liking the games he hates and disagreeing with him. It's becoming so big on the fucking internet I just can't take it. Look I'm sorry I just hate his fucking fanbase. Now that yahtzee is becoming more popular than the Halo series, alot of gamers are going to be like this. I just don't want people to insult me like that.
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#5  Edited By g805ge
Coltonio7 said:
"I wouldn't really call Yahtzee a reviewer....more like a commentator.

If the point of the video is comedy more than anything then it's not really an accurate review. But...he gets his point across."
So you agee that retro games and fighting games suck?
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#6  Edited By g805ge
jakob187 said:
"g805ge said:
"I like the game but it's not one of my favorites. He called anyone the plays the game competively fanboys. You think people don't have the right to have angry for him to insult people who like SSBB like that?

You must be a Yahtzee fanboy."
See, somehow, I knew this was going to stem from his SSBB review, like most of the bile people spew at him is from.  And you know what?  He's fucking right about all of it.  The SSB franchise is nothing more than a huge button-masher, and it's completely pointless.  All the competitive fanboys that drool over that hunking pile of shit are the same kinds of guys that fail to excel at something like Samurai Showdown or SFII, and so they have to find something retardedly simple in order to "make a competition" off of.

And if you are competing on SSB, you might as well jerk each other off and see who busts a nut first...because it takes about the same amount of effort and creates about the same level of mess.

And it IS bullshit that you have to unlock characters for a fucking party game!!!  Same goes for every Mario Party game (although I liked 8 as a "nothing else to play" game).

I thought all of this shit BEFORE he reviewed SSBB, but he finally said what I couldn't put into words nearly as well.

And just for a quick bit of curiosity:  if you hate the fucker so much, why do you watch his reviews?  Do you like kicking yourself in the nuts so you can look at the bruises too?
Pfft, this is was pathetic reply. SSBB is a button masher? He said the same thing about fighting games in general, plus the Super Smash Bros. series isn't fighting game; it's a party game. People play it competively so they can have fun and challenge themselves, plus I know some gamers who actually really good at the game who don't button mash through victory, these guys manage to beat anyone who button mashed them including me and I'm not very good at Brawl. The fact the game doesn't give you all the characters is because you need to earn the game and makes the game more compelling and rewarding to play, but Yahtzee is right that the single player is repetive and weak. Yahtzee does make valid points but he also comes off as a elitist who obviously creates a army of mindless fanboys {like you} so he can become more famous for money. The man is far from a constructive and he's a poor at commentary. I can sum up his rant on retro games like this: Sonic for the Xbox360 > Sonic for the Genesis. The man is a snarky sensationalist who's just going to make the gaming industry worse. There's another website that offers constructive criticism that are valid and honest. It's called, they're so many reviews I disagree from them but they are excellent at critiqueing, they're aren't elitist, the game critics are nice, and they are constructive and take gaming as a art form. Yahtzee bashed nearly every game that tried to trescend from game to art like Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto IV, Braid, MGS4, Uncharted, The Witcher, and BioShock despite the fact he considers himself to be a game is a artform guy. The reason I still watch his videos so I can see how low he stoop, he used to create legitimate criticism but know he's nothing more than a guy who talks fast and a troll which is something Yahtzee refuse that fact.

Go back to your hole, you're just one of his mindless fanboys.
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#7  Edited By g805ge
jakob187 said:
"g805ge said:
"Yahtzee = ultimate douchebag.

The most condescending asshole on the planet and yet many fanboys on earth praise him as the messiah of gaming criticism....FUBAR! The cunts insults the people who like the games he hates and people stand up for this guy? Then optimistic gamers might as well be fanboys."
You must be a Smash Bros. fanboy."
I like the game but it's not one of my favorites. He called anyone the plays the game competively fanboys. You think people don't have the right to have angry for him to insult people who like SSBB like that?

You must be a Yahtzee fanboy.
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#8  Edited By g805ge

Yahtzee = ultimate douchebag.

The most condescending asshole on the planet and yet many fanboys on earth praise him as the messiah of gaming criticism....FUBAR! The cunts insults the people who like the games he hates and people stand up for this guy? Then optimistic gamers might as well be fanboys.

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#9  Edited By g805ge

Who do you think made a better review of Bionic Commando Rearmed?

Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw or Jeff Gerstmann?