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Terminator Salvation.

I have recently finished Terminator Salvation and I thought I'd give my thoughts on the game. 
Terminator Salvation, as expected, gives you control of John Connor, the leader of Mankind against the machines. The game is set 3 years before the film, and has a story that is losely connected to the film. The story's only connection to the film, is how John Connor met certain characters from the film. The story in the game, is a rescue mission to save 3 resistance fighters from a machine stronghold. The story is just too allow a reason to jump from one battle scene to another and the game can be completed in roughly 5 hours.  
The game does give some good battle scenes, and i think the controls for the game where simple and effective, you aim, shoot, and get into cover. The cover system in the game, is know doubt, the best aspect of the game. You can duck into cover, and then easily run to another peice of cover, which means flanking the enemy is easy to do, and rewarding to pull off. There are some awesome vechile sections where you are manning a grenade launcher, high power machine gun and rocket launchers. These sections of gameplay are the most memorable sections of the game for me, and gave me the most joy completing.   

The enemies in the game usely attack you in waves of 3-4 guys, which have little variation. The enemies in the game consist of 5 enemy types and can be killed easily with any load out. The enemies dont seem to gain any form of difficulty through the campaign, and can be destroyed easily after you learn the controls and rythm of the game. The weapons in the game are also low in numbers as there is a machine gun, shotgun, RPG and thats about it. 
Overall, Terminator Salvation is a game that i found enjoyable, thanks to the good cover based shooting, but the lack of enemies and change in way to get from one battle to another, lowered my enjoyment of the game. Overall, I'd give it a 3/5!