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garnsr's comments

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I think the Japanese voices for most of the TV anime I've watched subbed are too similar most of the time, the guys all seem to have the same gruff voice. I think English actors sound more varied, and these days the bad lines are because the original lines are the kind of dopey sentiment you get in lots of anime, and Yakuza games, because of a Japanese way of thinking that's a little too touchy-feely, or something. I always watch anime movies with the original Japanese voices, though.

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Edited By garnsr

The waiting part of Ni no Kuni 2 sounds like the realty part of Yakuza 0, in Yakuza I would just start all my timers running and listen to podcasts and sort of doze for a while, then cash in and start again. It's not bad at a certain point in some games, when you've played a while, and don't mind building up some resources before you head into the later game, and have some podcasts or something to hold your interest while the game doesn't require your attention.

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I appreciate hosts putting some effort into reminding listeners what they're talking about now and then, sometimes they start talking about a game or movie or something that you don't think you're interested in, then when you hear something interesting you're not sure what they said the game was when they started 10 minutes ago, and they keep saying, "this game," or, "this movie," but you don't know what they're talking about. Repeating the title now and then doesn't seem like that intrusive a request.

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I grew up in Iowa, and when you'd slide off your bike seat and crash down on the crossbar, or stuff like that, we'd say you got racked, or you racked your nuts.

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I had to do some work on a safe at a Gamestop, and saw that they had a Rock Band 4 Rivals bundle with a guitar for 30 bucks, and my guitar has been bothering me lately, so I figured 30 isn't too bad, even if I don't need the game. I don't know the last time I went in a Gamestop, though.

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I hope Ben leans way down to hold the mic closer to Abby's mouth for the next episode, she seems way quieter in this one.

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I don't care too much for shooters, but I do like limited release soda flavors, so I have a couple of gamer fuel codes for Titanfall 2 if anyone wants them: KHTMT 678CT, and P6HCF XZFM6.

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I watched Anna and the King of Siam last night, with Rex Harrison playing a Siamese king. If they can't (or won't) get a Siamese person to act in that role, should the story not be told? I can't think of any non-American or English movies I've seen that are set in other countries, with actors of the movie production's nationality representing other types of people. All the Japanese, Indian, Spanish, Argentinian movies I have seen and can think of are set in their own countries, with local actors playing local people. Is it bad for America and England to make stories that take place in other countries, if they arent shot there and contains all locals? Is it worse to show something that may not be a complete representation of something than just to stick with what's around you? Should art only represent what certain people agree is the important part of the representation, with the deciders these days being minorities? Should any member of any minority be free to decide how they want to portray anything, with straight white people being forced to play only straight white people, because as a group they've overcome all sorts of issues through history to be at the top today? What's the most important aspect of being a person, your color, sex, sexual orientation? Aren't these things not supposed to be important? But they need to set people apart, if it helps minorities?