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#1  Edited By Garrus

Yeah everybody should be prompted in the game (which Bioware didn't make clear somehow) to reset their game after saving, then come back and find the DLC. If that fails then maybe redownloading might do it?

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#2  Edited By Garrus

You people need DLC that will calibrate your reach.

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#3  Edited By Garrus

This is my logic.
Millions upon millions of people have died, and more would have been further abducted.
You destroy the Reaper - You let all those people's chances of ever getting back at the reapers, even in death, just slip away in one big blast. You also get rid of any chance of making a discovery of weakness for reapers or even using one to fight another.
Basically my bottom line with the descision is that destroying the reaper made millions of deaths completely pointless and for nothing. I'm not arguing that for the sake of letting people have a post mortem revenge, I'm making the best of the situation at hand and turning their own action against them.  But yeah Im aware of the thing, be careful when fighting enemy x, lest you become one. I still think using the human-reaper is the right thing to do.
My friend argued with me that "I was using the idea of millions dying as an ingredient for a reaper weapon" and I just told him back that if it never came to this then I wouldn't be arguing that. It wasn't my choice that all these people were mulched into one big weapon but why just let them have died in vain?  Even if Cerberus was to sell you out, it's not like Shepard doesn't have some really powerful people and really sad people on his side...
...including Conrad who would probably cause the Reapers to explode in sheer rage at how much he'd be asking them for an autograph. I also think that knowing your enemy inside out really helps. *Add Perk - Favoured Enemy: +9000 Damage Against Reapers*

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#4  Edited By Garrus

No offense to anyone on the planet who loves Thane, I really do hope he doesn't come back. I hate him for many things.
I always thought that maybe some DLC involving the gangs would have been good, not sure of a story but they are there in the game and I believe there wasn't as much an "influence" shown that they really would have realistically. More stuff on Omega I think would be nice. I actually liked the battling on Omega, the tunnels and claustrophobic nature of the asteroid. Would be funny to see more Aria as well. She has some funny as hell stuff to say sometimes.
And I don't mean to seem bias here, but more missions for Garrus plz. He's got a vendetta against criminals but doesn't have Samara's holier than thou attitude. On the topic of Garrus, a romance character mission pack would be nice, a few missions that could be universal for each character and the usual unique differences for each character. Even just some more unique missions would be nice for each character.

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#5  Edited By Garrus

At least its not directly ripped from the N64 without graphical enhancement to some extent.
This is probably about the only game I give a damn about for the 3DS at the moment. Not surprised its a remake though.

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#6  Edited By Garrus

I just completed it.
Took me around 3 hours somehow, maybe less. I was playing on Normal all the way through but didn't rush it like a lot of people do for some reason.
The Good - 
Hammerhead Mission does feel bigger, more open although still fairly railed onto you-go-that-way-or-that-way for which part of the stations you want to go to first. Either makes no difference on whether it is first or second or whatever.
There is a few parts where it does have a genuine eerieness about the place.
Hammerhead is used more creatively and challengingly, less battles against turrets and enemies, more a method of travel that makes sense for a large facility.
Humour is present, I'll say that when you hit a certain 6 limbed creature,  the Hammerhead VI will react and say "THE GALACTIC HUMANE SOCIETY WISHES TO REMIND YOU THAT ANIMALS ARE PEOPLE TOO."
The story is predictable at times but it seems fitting for something in the Mass Effect Universe with the current state of AI developement.
Small little tiny thing but the cutscenes are more lifelike and flow better, e.g. Garrus cleans bodies while Shep does talking and Miranda gets some sort of pleasure from reading people's Logs.
The Bad -
It's Hammerhead Time. Armour as sensitive as a newly born babies skin and an engine that spontaneously combusts.
Story is predictable to an extent.
May be pricey in the eyes of some and content is debatable. IMO, it's worth it but don't stress yourself to buy the points for it if you absolutely do have problems getting the points. Otherwise it's worth a try.
Suffers from short-mission syndrome, is a little bit quick and could have been longer.
But yeah with the Bad, I'll admit Im almost picking at things, it's more of the usual really, I'd rate it a 4.2 / 5 as the final score. It's worth picking up if you haven't got an even more overpriced DLC to pay for or if you love ME2.

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#7  Edited By Garrus

Ah I was wondering when the Overlord DLC was coming out.

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#8  Edited By Garrus

ME1's XP system has saved me from certain death a few times because I ranked up in mission. ME2's XP system was annoying because on Insanity I spend hours on one mission and then rank up and get the perk that would have helped me halve the time it took to beat that mission.

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#9  Edited By Garrus

Kasumi's DLC will as said above, get you the Locust which is like a heavy machine gun held in one hand.

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#10  Edited By Garrus

4 weapons don't surprise me.
M24 - because it's the first weapon the retards who addictively snipe like to use or CAN use because sniping is such a slow class to rank up because of the sheer amount of procrastination until a guy stands still.
WWII M1911 - Very powerful and very early unlock I believe for a pistol of such power, is also more spammable  and has less recoil than REX.
Krinkov - Overpowered compared to most SMGs even after major update. It's also a gun that isn't the "first weapon you get becoz first wepun u get is uber shit" despite that the first SMG is quite good.
XM8 Prototype - Because the first gun an Assault gets is "the worst one" to 90% of all people on earth who play Bad Company 2. And the XM8 Proto was very powerful prior to the update.
The M60 I believe is used for 2 reasons, sheer cheapness of it due to heavy bullet caliber and the second, that it's the American Workhorse LMG so it's american and therefore because it's american it's fucking epic because it's american, dudes. 
Knife I think is popular because allot of people do want tags and allot of people are too stupid to look behind them when sniping every once in a while.