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Best of 2010

Plain and simple, this thing was a bitch to plot out. Mainly because of how many good games came out this year, but also because I have a twenty five page essay that I'm writing for AP Government. Fuuuuu

  1. Red Dead Redemption. This may seem like the 'cool kid' pick but this game was fantastic in every way. Sure, my attempts to S-Rank it dropped off as soon as more achievements for multiplayer emerged; but the sheer amount of time that I put into this game is disgusting, skinning rabbits and shooting Mexicans. I love you Red Dead. 
  2. Mass Effect 2. There was no doubt in my mind that this game would be my GOTY. Well...until Red Dead came out. I still love this game and have created a myriad of different characters for at least three playthroughs. Sure, Insanity required me to be fully attentive, but I could help but stare at the beautiful scenery. 
  3. Halo Reach. Yeah, Halo multiplayer is not my thing but I still played it for quite awhile. But the campaign in this game is so fantastic that I beat it on Legendary alone. In fact it's the only Halo game that I've ever beat on Legendary. Bungie, you sure did leave on a triumph.
  4. Call of Duty: Black Ops. You know how I said that I played Halo Reach multiplayer for quite awhile. Well I played it until Black Ops came out. Let me be perfectly clear, my expectations were low for this game, especially after the disappointment that was Modern Warfare 2. The campaign was alright, but the multiplayer is so tuned that it is reminiscent of the original Modern Warfare multiplayer. I'll give Treyarch credit: They made a game that wasn't broken for months on end and exceeded expectations, unlike Infinity Ward.

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