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My All Time Favorites

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  • Played it two times in a row right after I got it. The first time a video game was a spectacle to me. The kind of thing that will make a kid stay inside during a middle school summer break.

  • I remember being disappointed over and over again by release date delays. Being a steam early adopter and preloading the game and all that stuff that was supposed to be so great about steam. The launch of this game was a monumental headache but when it finally came out and it was finally playable it was so god damn worth it. Amazing story, graphics, technology, and the gravity gun oh man the gravity gun.

  • Got this game for free as a kid with a Nintendo power subscription. I played it on and off for over 4 years. It was the game that could be played forever to a feeble childhood mind, and that's exactly what I did.

  • The first time I thought games were approaching movies in presentation. Obviously they have come a lot farther these days but MGS on the PlayStation with surround sound at the time was the first peak at what the future would be like.

  • Like all the games that come packed in with Nintendo consoles I played it until I put my SNES out to pasture. The pinnacle of NIntendo style side scrolling platformers.

  • The game to start my JRPG addiction, I've tried several medications but still suffer a severe case of otakitus.

  • The reinvention of video game storytelling. Proves that game writing can be as affective as any book or movie. Would you kindly make more games like this.

  • Brought RPGs into the playstation 2 era like no other company could. Also changed the genre in many ways, no overworld, behind the back perspective, full heals at save points. These are the things that make the good JRPGs of today the streamlined storybased experiences they are and FFX is the game that invented it all.

  • The most cinematic JRPG of its time with a Kojima like story. It raised so many interesting questions and left so many mysteries yet to be solved. Turned out later that the answers to those questions weren't all that interesting but when this game came out it had one of the greatest stories and best realized and interesting worlds in video games.

  • A Japanese action RPG based on Disney characters, no way that could be good. Wait this is pretty good.....60 hours later....lets play again.

  • So different and familiar at the same time. The anime cutscenes were striking when you first pop in the disk and the music along with the overall presentation are so original and refreshing.

  • The first time I really got addicted to a DQ game since the first one because of limited stateside availability. Nostalgic and innovative at the same time.

  • Sci Fi choose your own adventure with 3rd person shooting. I love Bioware games and this is the game that put them over the top.

  • The best deathmatch ever.

  • The coolest thing on my 386DX.

  • Absorbed 2 years of my life. My first and only MMO addiction, I'm scared of what will happen to me when FFXIV comes out.