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Starcraft 2 Placed in Platinum

So I finally bit the bullet and jumped into my 1vs1 placement matches had this weeks bomcast on in the background and won all five, which was pretty sweet.Now i've been placed in platinum (incase the title didn't give it away). I've only played two games since placing one win one loss but man the games are intense, it feels like my chest has a baby zerg inside ready to bust it's way out! It looks like all those friendly games with uh friends paid off though honing my early build's. So far it's protoss all the way baby 2 gate, twilight (for zealot charge) then chrono boost 1 stargate till I've got 3-4 void rays, push at the front with my land army to distract and try to do maximum damage with the void rays and that's just for starters. I'm not daring enough to try the other races on ladder yet but it may be time to try some of my other sneakier builds for Aiur!


A week of starcraft

so I've finally completed starcraft 2 and in my honest opinion the singleplayer is the best capaign mode i've played in an RTS ever, now that it's over i'm a little sad as i now have to wait at least a year to see more story goddammit! I'm temtpted to jump into the ladders but it depends, generally in competitive multiplayer all the noob hating douchebags appear, so instead of that it's been all about the custom games with friends and I think I convinced my sister to get it with a free trial code. It's about time she used her nice new rig for something newer than a 3 year plus old broken sword game.



so i spent the majority of today on youtube and checked out eminem's new album and DAAAAAAAM i think i've been inspired to buy my first CD in 5 years! tracks to note(they're all good btw):talking to myself,no love,beautiful,not afraid and your never over. Still you should check the album if you've ever been an eminem fan!


starcraft 2 beta is coming to a close

this makes me sad, yet I have pre-ordered the game so i have about a week to finally play some of my games that are actually out already : red dead, yakuza 3, valkiria chronicles. Now hopefully I can complete them before release otherwise they'll continue to not see the light of day and just be cash burned in digital format. And if this posts to the forums ignore i did'nt attach it too a page and the only other button is post.