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#1  Edited By golguin

Shadows of the Damned.

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#2  Edited By golguin

@Pr1mus said:

@Terramagi said:

@Phatmac said:

It seems that TWD will win GOTY since they have talked about it the most.

I wanna see Jeff stonewall that shit.

Like, as somebody who actually liked TWD, I wanna see that fucking train get stopped in its fucking tracks.

We can all agree that any chance TWD has to win this is based entirely on its story and writing and nothing else right?

After hearing them find so many issues with the story i don't know how they could find a way to justify making it GOTY. Seriously, they tore episode 5 apart (save for the ending of course), raised many issues about how things play out in episode 2, kinda didn't care all that much about many of the things that happens in episode 4... the problems they have with the story are starting to pile on.

A lot of the issues they had came from them not remembering things like Clem constantly talking on her walkie talkie and Lee even telling her to do it to make her feel better. The player simply didn't know that she was actually talking to the stranger and not pretend talking with her parents.

The lightning fence was always assumed to be turned on by the brothers. The fact that they are cannibals doesn't change that. Remember that the plan was to kill almost everyone because they didn't need that many people to eat? The brothers talk about that in the barn right before Lee has the option to kill one of them.

The stealing of the boat not being in Vernon's character doesn't hold water when you consider all the ways he could be pissed at you when talking about taking Clem. You can also tell him off. Even when he does take the stuff Lee can defend him and say something alone the lines of, "They were desperate and we would have done the same thing."

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#3  Edited By golguin

@csl316 said:

@PillClinton: Oh God, remember when the Wii was sold out everywhere??

People bring up Brad's crazy improvement on video, but nervous Ryan back in the earlier Gamespot day... oh boy.

The difference is crazy. I couldn't help but laugh because it's like night and day. Who knew that many years later he'd become the de facto host of giant bomb.

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#4  Edited By golguin

@Trainer_Red said:

@golguin said:

@Trainer_Red said:

@Sooty said:

@Trainer_Red said:

almost as sad as blaming guns.

Well guns deserve blame, you don't see school shootings happening multiple times a year in countries with gun control.

I wonder why, oh, because you can't kill 20+ people with a knife without being taken out first. Unless you're like, Rambo.

Well.. depends by what you mean by gun control. Chicago has plenty of gun control and they have the highest violent gun crime ratio in the US.

Also.... Countries with almost ZERO gun control have done pretty well for themselves. Take Switzerland for example where almost every single male is apart of a militia and owns nothing put military grade equipment and guns in their homes.


I also can't get my head around this whole knife argument. Please show me a country that has an active military, basic freedoms and an established government that actually has a complete gun ban. If such a place existed (which i'm sure it does not) i'm sure it's murder/crime rate would be really high. I also guarantee that place would have a significant number of gun casualties.

I'm not sure where you've been during this whole conversation, but you'll find your answers in the original topic on the Sandy Hook shooting. I myself answered your Switzerland example, but I'm so tired of people denying facts and figures that get presented that I don't think it will matter if I even give you the link so I wont. I'll just say go to that topic.

I don't understand why you would reply to my statement with this? This is a separate thread, not Sandy Hook Shooting Part 2. If i'm not mistaken the original thread has like 900 pages of people saying the same thing over and over again, so forgive me for not reading all of that before coming here. If you don't want to present anything valid then I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself. I personally read everything presented to me (links, articles) when presented to better understand the counter argument. Obviously there are solid points and examples for both sides, but just because someone does not agree with you, does not mean they disregard what you say. I am guessing that is what you believe because you don't even know me and you assume that I am that way.

It's page 47 of the topic where the guy brings up Switzerland and it concludes on page 48. Page 46 is where I initially bring up some figures about the difference between the US and other Western countries in regards to gun deaths.

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#5  Edited By golguin

@Trainer_Red said:

@Sooty said:

@Trainer_Red said:

almost as sad as blaming guns.

Well guns deserve blame, you don't see school shootings happening multiple times a year in countries with gun control.

I wonder why, oh, because you can't kill 20+ people with a knife without being taken out first. Unless you're like, Rambo.

Well.. depends by what you mean by gun control. Chicago has plenty of gun control and they have the highest violent gun crime ratio in the US.

Also.... Countries with almost ZERO gun control have done pretty well for themselves. Take Switzerland for example where almost every single male is apart of a militia and owns nothing put military grade equipment and guns in their homes.


I also can't get my head around this whole knife argument. Please show me a country that has an active military, basic freedoms and an established government that actually has a complete gun ban. If such a place existed (which i'm sure it does not) i'm sure it's murder/crime rate would be really high. I also guarantee that place would have a significant number of gun casualties.

I'm not sure where you've been during this whole conversation, but you'll find your answers in the original topic on the Sandy Hook shooting. I myself answered your Switzerland example, but I'm so tired of people denying facts and figures that get presented that I don't think it will matter if I even give you the link so I wont. I'll just say go to that topic.

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#6  Edited By golguin

I think it's been pretty much confirmed that Leviathan and the addition of the EC with an already present Javik would have made the game drastically better. People who refuse to accept just how much of a difference those things can make can look at Brad's number 1 spot of ME3 and its omission on other people's list.

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#7  Edited By golguin

That is an insane package. I have Chain of Memories and 358/2 days on handhelds and the remastered versions look crazy. It also looks like 358/2 days has a lot of new CG sequences.

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#8  Edited By golguin

@JJOR64: Well it's obvious that it's XCOM vs Walking Dead and has been for a month or more; his list doesn't really give any tells on what the debates were on the lower end of the spectrum as those will most certainly diverge from person to person.

Spoilers: XCOM probably wins due to being a game that you can play as opposed to an interactive movie, also the Jeff quotient.

I'll accept xcom in top 10, but anywhere in the top 5 is insane.
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#9  Edited By golguin

@TooWalrus said:

Did ya get that thing I sent ya?

Sure did!

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#10  Edited By golguin

I haven't played Golden, but I played all of Arena and Chie sounded completely fine. Hell, I didn't even remember what the old Chie sounded like until like a week ago when I stumbled onto a Persona 4 clip.