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FPS's that started it all

In no particular order, here are some of the first very popular PC FPS games that jump started a revolution in gaming.

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  • I remember being wowed by this game seeing it on display at these shareware carts they had setup in the mall.

  • id knew it was onto something and expanded the FPS idea into a new scenario with some new gameplay elements.

  • In a word - Super Shotgun. Also, this was one of the first games I played online. There was this service called DWANGO back in the day you could use to dial in to and setup matches. Even played with Romero here in Dallas a few times.

  • One of my all time favorites, there was nothing better in MP than tossing some pipe bombs and then blasting the unsuspecting opponents to bits.

  • When Quake came out, we were still enjoying the hell out of Duke 3D until people left en masse to play Quake 1 that is. The "true 3D" capabilities of the engine and controls were just too much for Duke to handle. Not to mention the expandability offered through the engine with mods like CTF, QFTF, and eventually CounterStrike and Half Life spawning from the Quake engine.

  • Who doesn't remember the scene in the beginning with the waterfall? At the time, this game provided a huge leap in graphical fidelity compared to Quake.

  • This game was so out there and wacky with it's gameplay ideas. Turning into a dog? Sign me up!