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Worth Listening-Valve's resident economist did a podcast

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I've been listening to EconTalk since it first aired, it's a wonderful podcast about economics. This weeks episode had Yanis Varoufakis guest on it, where they talked about all things Valve and Steam. Some new incites include the fact that Valve hired Yanis because Gabe was reading about the European Debt Crisis and thought his liquidity crisis on steam with hats was similar to the liquidity crisis going on in the current recession. Yanis is a really famous economist and he thought Gabe's email at first was spam. Anyways it's a really interesting podcast because it's two dudes who know a whole lot about economics talking about games which neither of them play, it's amusing really. The end gets away entirely from Valve, they start talking about Greece but you can probably tune out by then. Anyways yeah, give this a listen, it's great!

If this interested you, he's also now writes a blog for Valve.