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Average score of 5 user reviews

oh god, horrible lust 0

You like throwing flame balls and collecting linen? "Well I could just go back to pogs" BUT then you'd be forgetting all bout your little friend "flame ball".  -but lets get serious. I've played this game through the good times and bad going from being a complete nobody, to leading 25 really serious dudes into the end game and if there's one thing I've learned, its to expect failure from all directions. You'll never be the best, you'll never be first, you'll always wait an hour plus to raid wait...

1 out of 3 found this review helpful.

We all know there was only one wizard! 0

Wizards and warriors. A love story? Well I've never been in love.Simply put, the game was good. You play as a sword swiping armor coated "warrior" chasing down a sloppy "wizard", to get that girl back in the right sack.  The levels were challenging, (in a way that means you barely miss a jump 897 times) and the art/sound seemed to be spawned out of the brain of a 68 year old. It also was one of the first games to introduced items that allowed you to go back to old areas and explore new regions t...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

PC dead space review. Weak story, Good level design. 0

First off let's just get it out of the way that I don't like scary games. In fact, i don't like being scared. That being said, the last game to actually scare me was phantasmagoria, cause that shit was just straight up messed, but on the good side was also way scarier game than dead space. Where dead space wins its points is level design. That game is spread across different sections of the large ship and along your 15 hour or so trek, you'll be sent to through-out each of its corridors and leve...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The game all the "cool kids" played 1

When I think about street fighter 2, what comes to mind isn't the crazy colors, awesome sound effects, outlandish characters, rude animations, obliterating car smashing bonus games and super-human abilities; it isn't blanka bazooka jumping at chun-li after already devastating ryu on the cover; and it also does not provide a good reason to why I still see sagat standing over my frail corpse when I lapse into sleep paralysis on a daily basis......No no no, when I think of SF2, all that comes to mi...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Pretty decent platformer 0

For a child in is 7's, the magical quest starring mickey mouse was the perfect fit in more ways than one. Though a bit difficult, the game was able to create a good variety in colourful environments, whether it be deep with a lush green vine ridden forests or across the vast frozen, yet beautiful aurora of the arctic. The platforming alone was sub-par but what made the game were the epic boss battles that would grace the end of most of the levels.All in all, the game is full of color and imagina...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.