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I wrote this little thing (it's not actually a little thing):

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A rant regarding the problem with HD fanboys.

A Quick Look of the just-release hack-and-slasher Muramasa:  The Demon Blade was posted on the site today.  Aside from Ryan's inexplicable reluctance to find out what the B Button does, the video does a good job of showing just how pretty the game looks in motion.  It's an excellent game and one of the best Wii games yet.  From the time I've spent with it, I'd recommend it to anyone with the console.  It's just a shame that any time a game like this comes along, there's always that group of knuckleheads that feels the need to post comments like these:
"I would play this if it was on PS3, PS2 or X360
No thanks to a Wii version though"
"Man, I'm really sold on this game but I don't think I'm ready to buy a Wii just yet... I wish it would come to 360 or PS3."
"If this was on XBL Arcade, I'd be willing to pay 15 bucks for it.  But nothing makes we want a Wii."
"Can't help thinking that this should have been a downloadable PSN/XBLA game. Too bad."
"word, I want this game in HD."
I can understand not wanting it if it's not your cup of tea, or if you just don't have the time or money for it, or in general just don't have the interest.  But seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you guys?  The moment a Wii game that would appeal to a crowd other than the casual party game player comes out, you leap on it like a bunch of starving wolves, only to reject it for the fact that it's on a console you don't like, or you're too spoiled to play it in anything other than HD.  What does it matter if it's in HD or not?  It's a beautiful looking game in the resolution it was made for.
This generation has done nothing but produce a bunch of graphics whores of the worst kind.  They ignore the beauty that exists in a game's art, pay more attention to hardware specs, and don't believe a game is worth a disc-based release if it's in 2D.  Apparently, as consoles become more powerful, the people playing those consoles are becoming progressively dumber.  It's depressing, really.
And I say all of this despite owning both a Wii and a PS3.  Why should I ignore a fun game on one console because of some petulent desire to play it on the other?  If a game is engaging and looks gorgeous on less-powerful hardware, why should I ignore it if I have the means to play it?  Why should I announce to the world that I have no interest in the game if the sole reason is that it isn't on an HD console?
In other words, why should I make myself look like a hardware-elitist douche?



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Edited By Th3_James

Graphics are part of the ecperiance..... people who says graphics aren't that important are obviously delusional. Same goes for audio. Graphics can also make or break gameplay.
Gameplay can also be determined by graphics, or physics, that help culminate into the overall feel of the game...... 
GTA:IV - amazing game, incredible graphics, emmersive world, believable characters and story, Euphoria physics..... come on, don't waist your time and effort on wii, you dont have to settle for 2002 level of complexity games
I am not a "Fanboy" i just feel that nintendo only gamers should stop trying to support their half assed console... i would love for nintendo to make another n64 or even, dare i say..... gamecube
because the wii is just bad......
SORRY FOR RANT- dunno what came over me, some incredible hatred

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Edited By ajamafalous
@Hailinel said:
" @ajamafalous: Well, I'm certainly not misquoting anyone. "
While this is true, as many have said, most of the quotes have nothing to do with the graphical prowess of the console.
For example, if Muramasa was on XBLA, I'd at least try out the demo, as I own a 360 but have no intention of buying a Wii. This has nothing to do with HD graphics.
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Edited By Claude
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Edited By Hailinel
@Th3_James said:
" Graphics are part of the ecperiance..... people who says graphics aren't that important are obviously delusional. Same goes for audio. Graphics can also make or break gameplay.  Gameplay can also be determined by graphics, or physics, that help culminate into the overall feel of the game......   GTA:IV - amazing game, incredible graphics, emmersive world, believable characters and story, Euphoria physics..... come on, don't waist your time and effort on wii, you dont have to settle for 2002 level of complexity games  I am not a "Fanboy" i just feel that nintendo only gamers should stop trying to support their half assed console... i would love for nintendo to make another n64 or even, dare i say..... gamecube  because the wii is just bad......  SORRY FOR RANT- dunno what came over me, some incredible hatred "
First, please, learn how to write proper English.  It will help you get your points across.
Second, your argument presumes that I have some interest in GTAIV, which I can assure you that I don't.  I haven't played any game in the Grand Theft Auto series since Vice City, which while fun for a while, burned me out on the series entirely for reasons that are too tangential to elaborate on here.
Third, I'm not entirely sure what your argument is getting at because it's too incoherent.  (See my first point.)  "2002 level of complexity?"  What?  Where did you come up with that?  What comparison brought you to that conclusion?  How do you even measure a game's overall complexity in that manner?
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@CitizenKane said:
" I prefer everything in 1080p True  HD.  Even real life. "
I dunno man, I have some 1080p porn and some of those ladies shouldn't be in that high of a fidelity.
Hell, alot of the girls I bring home shouldn't be in that high of a fidelity.
Also, a 1080p penis popping in on screen on a 42"  tv is terrifying if you're not expecting it.

Oh yeah, a shoutout to HAMMECLAW for not having the balls to say something in this thread instead of some nondescript talk about "his collection" in my inbox.
I dunno what that even means.
I'm starting to sound like a troll and I can clearly see people's viewpoint that they want stuff in HD. Hell, I'm one of those people.
But to purposely go into a thread just to say "I'D GET IT IF IT WASN'T FOR THE WII CAUSE IT'S A BABBY CONSOLE AND MY EYES ARE AS FRAGILE AS MR GLASS!" is retarded.
It is possible to voice an opposing opinion without being a total fanboy dickhole poor piece of crap loser
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Y'know, I would totally dig this thread if it was in HD.
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Edited By Jeffsekai

My bad, didnt know I was a fanboy for liking to look at my games and knowing what im seeing.

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Edited By LordAndrew
@Fallen189 said:
"You know what, fuck it.  It's impossible to try and talk about this with people like you, who think that piracy is "DOWNLOADING THE LATEST GAMES" . "
Muramasa is one of "THE LATEST GAMES", so in the context of this conversation, that's exactly what it is.
And it didn't even add anything useful to the discussion. So what if the game can be emulated on a PC?
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Edited By LordAndrew
@Jeffsekai said:
" My bad, didnt know I was a fanboy for liking to look at my games and knowing what im seeing. "
Might I suggest buying a decent TV?
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@Jeffsekai said:
" My bad, didnt know I was a fanboy for liking to look at my games and knowing what im seeing. "
I'm sorry if that sounded like a dickhole, but it sums up the gist of that quote. And I'm not being sarcastic when I'm saying I don't want to be a dick to you.
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Edited By StarFoxA

I could really care less about whether or not anything is in HD. Heck, my TV is smaller than my Macbook screen.

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Edited By AgentJ
@natetodamax said:
" @Hailinel: How are they being ignorant? Looks to me like those people just weren't willing to pay for a Wii to play one game, and would rather keep their current consoles. "
Pretending that this is the only worthwhile game on the system is ignorance, pure and simple. 
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Edited By Famov
@Jeffsekai said:
"My bad, didnt know I was a fanboy for liking to look at my games and knowing what im seeing. "

Haha, your inbox will explode. 
You do not do much portable gaming, I take it?
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Edited By AgentJ
@TeflonBilly said:
" @Jeffsekai said:
" My bad, didnt know I was a fanboy for liking to look at my games and knowing what im seeing. "
HOLY SHIT! I TRIED PLAYING SOME STREET FIGHTER 3: THIRD STRIKE ON MY DREAMCAST TO CELEBRATE THE OTHER DAY, BUT I COULDN'T UNDERSTAND THE SQUIGGLES ON MY SCREEN!  I'm sorry if that sounded like a dickhole, but it sums up the gist of that quote. And I'm not being sarcastic when I'm saying I don't want to be a dick to you. "
That's perfect. The idea that you can't tell what you are looking at in standard def is absolutely ridiculous. I still play all my games on an SDTV, 360 or otherwise, and it certainly doesn't detract from the experience. Muramasa, HD or no, is one of the most beautiful games I've ever set eyes on, and it's a shame that some people won't play it just because the wii didn't come with HD cables. 
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Edited By Milkman

The game looked kinda repetitive and didn't really interest me all that much. I don't think it not being in HD had anything to do with it....

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Edited By MrGetBonus
@Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" For a game where much of its charm lies in visuals, is it really so wrong to wish it was on an HD compatible console? The game has no motion controls and can be played with the classic/gamecube controller right? Then it has no benefit to being on the Wii and could only be better if it was brought to the PS3/360 instead where it could make use of better HD graphics. "
So you're saying that a game needs motion controls to justify being on the Wii exclusively? "
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Edited By Hailinel
@MrGetBonus said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" For a game where much of its charm lies in visuals, is it really so wrong to wish it was on an HD compatible console? The game has no motion controls and can be played with the classic/gamecube controller right? Then it has no benefit to being on the Wii and could only be better if it was brought to the PS3/360 instead where it could make use of better HD graphics. "
So you're saying that a game needs motion controls to justify being on the Wii exclusively? "
Yes. "
Then by the same token, does a PS3 game require SixAxis support to justify being a PS3 exclusive?
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Edited By AgentJ
@Hailinel said:

" @MrGetBonus said:

" @Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" For a game where much of its charm lies in visuals, is it really so wrong to wish it was on an HD compatible console? The game has no motion controls and can be played with the classic/gamecube controller right? Then it has no benefit to being on the Wii and could only be better if it was brought to the PS3/360 instead where it could make use of better HD graphics. "
So you're saying that a game needs motion controls to justify being on the Wii exclusively? "
Yes. "
Then by the same token, does a PS3 game require SixAxis support to justify being a PS3 exclusive? "
And once natal and the BOTS come out, they will need to make full use of those too right? Otherwise, why not just put it all on the PC?  
And fuck any sort of portable games.  
@Milkman said:
" The game looked kinda repetitive and didn't really interest me all that much. I don't think it not being in HD had anything to do with it.... "
Right, but am I correct in assuming that you were not one of the people saying "it should be a XBLA game"?
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Edited By Cube

Why do you care about what other people say? They like what they like and that's that. No point in trying to change them.

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Edited By Noted

I think Muramasa is pretty enough as it is, but you have to wonder what could have been. Just increasing the resolution makes a big difference. To put it this way, would you prefer a DVD copy of a movie to a BR?
That said, I think I've just found a game worth buying for my Wii. I love katanas, ninjas, samurais and all that stuff.

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HD fanboys? Sorry, that doesn't really make sense. It's a fact that HD is better than SD, and that's all there is to it.

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Edited By AgentJ
@BRINKTheMovieMyFavoriteMovie said:
" HD fanboys? Sorry, that doesn't really make sense. It's a fact that HD is better than SD, and that's all there is to it. "
Then maybe it should be rephrased. Halinel is really ranting about "HD games fanboys" who think that a game is superior just because it looks better. If you agree with that, then I'll simply remind you that most of the best games ever made were around long before HD, (most) games on the 360 and PS3 look just fine in standard definition, and we had no problem with standard definition graphics the last 20 years, so how much sense does it make to have a problem with them now?
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Edited By ThomasP

I read the comments and had some great laughs.

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Edited By oldschool
@ThomasP said:
" I read the comments and had some great laughs. "
I am left with a sense of bemusement myself - not sure of it is for the same reasons though. 
I just got Captain Rainbow for the Wii.  It looks like it would be at home on the N64.  However, it has a style and character and is just awesome to look at.  How would HD improve that?  Give me stylised games please, they appease my eyes.  I repeat, as good as the game GTA IV probably is (I have only played an hour of it), it is horrible to look at and not just for the ugly mobsters, but just ugly.  If that is the best HD can produce, then I will continue playing Little King's Story, whilst returning every so often for some mindless violent fun (I would rather play Forza 2 anyway when it comes to short bursts of fun). 
Viva Pinata looks pretty good in HD because of the colour in it.  The DS version looks pretty good on a tiny screen.  It isn't about HD it is about the effort the developers  put into making a game look nice and play well.
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Edited By MrGetBonus
@Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" For a game where much of its charm lies in visuals, is it really so wrong to wish it was on an HD compatible console? The game has no motion controls and can be played with the classic/gamecube controller right? Then it has no benefit to being on the Wii and could only be better if it was brought to the PS3/360 instead where it could make use of better HD graphics. "
So you're saying that a game needs motion controls to justify being on the Wii exclusively? "
Yes. "
Then by the same token, does a PS3 game require SixAxis support to justify being a PS3 exclusive? "
No, because the main draw of the Wii is its control system. The Wii is obviously graphically inferior but is supposed to make up for it with innovative motion controls. You take that away and you take away the best part about the Wii. Look at Wii Sports, one of the most popular Wii games. Take motion control away from that and what do you have? A really shitty game.
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Edited By AgentJ
@MrGetBonus said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" For a game where much of its charm lies in visuals, is it really so wrong to wish it was on an HD compatible console? The game has no motion controls and can be played with the classic/gamecube controller right? Then it has no benefit to being on the Wii and could only be better if it was brought to the PS3/360 instead where it could make use of better HD graphics. "
So you're saying that a game needs motion controls to justify being on the Wii exclusively? "
Yes. "
Then by the same token, does a PS3 game require SixAxis support to justify being a PS3 exclusive? "
No, because the main draw of the Wii is its control system. The Wii is obviously graphically inferior but is supposed to make up for it with innovative motion controls. You take that away and you take away the best part about the Wii. Look at Wii Sports, one of the most popular Wii games. Take motion control away from that and what do you have? A really shitty game. "
Well the 360 is inferior in both graphics and hardware to the PS3, so why isn't every game made for the PS3 rather than the 360? Why would anyone make anything for a console that isn't the PS3?
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Edited By DanielJW
@AgentJ: I think I'm in love with you. 
Also,  Hailinel pretty much summed up my sentiments exactly. This happens with so many games that using the excuse that one game isn't enough to get you to buy a Wii is a poor one. After you've made such a statement about six or seven games than you  probably have enough to justify buying a Wii. 
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Edited By Branthog

Saying that people who want something in HD are elitists is ridiculous. HD has been pretty commonplace in the market for over a decade now and Nintendo can't get into gear. You might as well call people who want to watch television in that new fangled Colorvision elitist.
I say this as a Wii owner who hasn't turned his Wii on in about 18 months.

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Edited By AgentJ
@DanielJW said:
" @AgentJ: I think I'm in love with you.  Also,  Hailinel pretty much summed up my sentiments exactly. This happens with so many games that using the excuse that one game isn't enough to get you to buy a Wii is a poor one. After you've made such a statement about six or seven games than you  probably have enough to justify buying a Wii.  "
"Please be a "Danielle"  Please be a "Danielle"  Please be a "Danielle"  Please be a "Danielle" *looks at profile* DAMN IT!" 
 Why do only guys love me? :P
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Edited By TheBigBeefy

I never grew up getting the newest and best things. So now that I have an HDTV (on the way) and an Xbox 360 (that just got here) I want some good HD graphics darnit!

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Edited By dipstick
It's true,I prefer everything I play to be in 1080p
Sue me.
It doesn't mean I won't plug in the old ps2 and play it. All it means is that if I have the chance I'll opt to go HD
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Edited By AgentJ
@Branthog said:
" Saying that people who want something in HD are elitists is ridiculous. HD has been pretty commonplace in the market for over a decade now and Nintendo can't get into gear. You might as well call people who want to watch television in that new fangled Colorvision elitist.  I say this as a Wii owner who hasn't turned his Wii on in about 18 months. "
I hadn't even heard the term "HD" until maybe 4 or 5 years ago. Also, I don't think elitism is the problem; It's ignorance. Seems some people don't understand that a game can still be great without HD, which was proven over the last 20 years of consoles existing.
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Edited By Rio

I myself wish this game was on the 360 or ps3.  Its not because I need a game to be in HD to enjoy it, the artwork in muramasa speaks for itself....... its amazing.  I simply dont have a Wii because it lacks games and general gameplay that interests me, and the reason I say this is for one question: why exactly is muramasa only on the wii to begin with?  Its not as if the game uses anything unique to the Wii.  And can you really deny that the game would look nicer if the art assets were presented in an HD resolution?  Theres no reason to not want a beautiful game to look even better. 
I guess I'm mainly just sad that I cant play this game considering it wouldnt be a difficult port to another console.  The people who wouldnt play this game just because it isnt in HD are morons, but people that would like this on another console because they dont have a Wii and dont want one have a good point.  Sorry if this post isnt completely on topic, just felt like getting it off my chest........ I really want to play this game hehe.

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Edited By AgentJ
@Rio said:
" I myself wish this game was on the 360 or ps3.  Its not because I need a game to be in HD to enjoy it, the artwork in muramasa speaks for itself....... its amazing.  I simply dont have a Wii because it lacks games and general gameplay that interests me, and the reason I say this is that why exactly is muramasa only on the wii to begin with?  Its not as if the game uses anything unique to the Wii.  And can you really deny that the game would look nicer if the art assets were presented in an HD resolution?  Theres no reason to not want a beautiful game to look even better.   I guess I'm mainly just sad that I cant play this game considering it wouldnt be a difficult port to another console.  The people who wouldnt play this game just because it isnt in HD are morons, but people that would like this on another console because they dont have a Wii and dont want one have a good point.  Sorry if this post isnt completely on topic, just felt like getting it off my chest........ I really want to play this game hehe. "
I recommend you check out the wii boards. I'm pretty sure that if you actually look, you will realize that this is not the only good wii game, and that the console is well worth buying. 
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Edited By Branthog
@oldschool said:
" I have a 360 and a HD plasma television. I also have a Wii.  My 360 collection is about 25 games and the Wii 60.  I do not find anything about the 360 graphics that make me want to play it more.  In fact, I find some games simply horrible to look at - GTA IV. 
I love great graphics and immersion and one can't deny other consoles excel over the Wii in that respect. There is more to a game than those elements, though. Like gameplay. For myself - and I can't really say why - I just don't find anything compelling about the Wii's typical gameplay. I own one. I also own a PS3, XBOX 360 and about 20 other consoles. I wanted to love the Wii. I'd love to be drawn to it all the time. But I'm not.
After more than two years, I only have 15 games for the Wii and about 15 games for the PS3 and about 120 games for the XBOX 360. Between the PS3 and 360, I'd just as well be playing all the games on the PS3, bu some aren't available, some are better on the 360, and the multi-player is almost always preferable on the 360. But... that's mostly a pragmatic decision rather than any sort of "OMG I love the 360" loyalty.
When it come to playing time... it probably comes out to the same proportions. I haven't even touched the week in a full 18 months. Last time I touched it was when Boom Blox came out and I played it for about an hour before shutting if off.
I guess I'm not overwhelmed by Mario and Mario related games and I don't find anything terribly interesting about pretending to bowl or row a boat with a Wiimote. More importantly, the lack of voice chat online and the difficulty in arranging connecting to and playing with other people on the Wii keeps me from even bothering. I know a few people with one and I just don't care enough to bother setting up the online stuff. And even if we did, how would we communicate about what it was we wanted to do next?
I definitely have nothing against the Wii. I just wish it had more for me. For what it's worth, my little sister loves to play it when she visits (she's in her early 20s) but that's about it. If I'm not their market, that's okay. I'm not the market for those "Imaginez" titles on the DS, either. Not everything that is put out has to cater to my tastes.
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Edited By Rio
@AgentJ:   Just because I dont own a Wii doesnt mean I dont know whats on the Wii.  I have multiple friends who own them and have played any game that actually catches my attention.  I actually owned a Wii for about a year myself before I sold it off.  What I'm saying is, if you dont like the fact that I dont find the Wii interesting, fine, but dont assume I know nothing about it.  I didnt say the Wii has no games of value for it, but I'm not the only one who finds not only the library less than lack luster but I find the features to be so as well.  I would appreciate it if i wasnt treated with the ignorance stamp so easily.  I dont blame anyone for owning a Wii, I can understand the appeal.  There is just no appeal for me.
My response is the result of how I read your comment, I apologize if I took it the wrong way.
Edit: And to reiterate, Muramasa is the only game on the Wii I have seen in the last year  that I would actually want to spend time on....... that is just not the kind of console I want to spend my money on.  Again, not saying other games are bad, just saying there arent any that warrant my money being spent.
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Edited By AgentJ
@Branthog said:
" @oldschool said:
" I have a 360 and a HD plasma television. I also have a Wii.  My 360 collection is about 25 games and the Wii 60.  I do not find anything about the 360 graphics that make me want to play it more.  In fact, I find some games simply horrible to look at - GTA IV. 
 I love great graphics and immersion and one can't deny other consoles excel over the Wii in that respect. There is more to a game than those elements, though. Like gameplay. For myself - and I can't really say why - I just don't find anything compelling about the Wii's typical gameplay. I own one. I also own a PS3, XBOX 360 and about 20 other consoles. I wanted to love the Wii. I'd love to be drawn to it all the time. But I'm not.  After more than two years, I only have 15 games for the Wii and about 15 games for the PS3 and about 120 games for the XBOX 360. Between the PS3 and 360, I'd just as well be playing all the games on the PS3, bu some aren't available, some are better on the 360, and the multi-player is almost always preferable on the 360. But... that's mostly a pragmatic decision rather than any sort of "OMG I love the 360" loyalty.  When it come to playing time... it probably comes out to the same proportions. I haven't even touched the week in a full 18 months. Last time I touched it was when Boom Blox came out and I played it for about an hour before shutting if off.  I guess I'm not overwhelmed by Mario and Mario related games and I don't find anything terribly interesting about pretending to bowl or row a boat with a Wiimote. More importantly, the lack of voice chat online and the difficulty in arranging connecting to and playing with other people on the Wii keeps me from even bothering. I know a few people with one and I just don't care enough to bother setting up the online stuff. And even if we did, how would we communicate about what it was we wanted to do next?  I definitely have nothing against the Wii. I just wish it had more for me. For what it's worth, my little sister loves to play it when she visits (she's in her early 20s) but that's about it. If I'm not their market, that's okay. I'm not the market for those "Imaginez" titles on the DS, either. Not everything that is put out has to cater to my tastes. "
You bring up some interesting falsehoods in this post here. First of all, the Wii does in fact have voice chat. Sure, the online service for the most part isn't great, but for games like Smash Bros, it works just fine.  of course, you wouldn't know that since you mentioned you haven't bothered to set it up. 
 I can accept that the Wii may not have many games to appeal to you, but that remark about Mario games makes me think that it may be more ignorance on your part than anything else. I myself only own one Mario game, that being the much lauded Galaxy, and haven't even popped that one in yet. Like I just said to another Giantbomber, go take a look at the Wii side of these boards and you may find a few games that you want.   
As far as immersion goes, well, why don't you go play Muramasa and see if you still feel the same way.
 Oh and please, don't even get me started on the DS library. 
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Edited By JCGamer

I don't think that (some) people are complaining about the graphic per se.  I think the game looks great.  It's just when you see a game released in SD, and you have an HD set-up, you can't help but think that you've missed out on potential.  I know that plenty of people here really like 2-D games, and in this day in age, not many of them are being made.  So when one comes out on a SD system, I can see how people are like "damn, the one 2-D game they make this year and it's held back by the Wii".  I'm just saying.

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Edited By asurastrike

I really wish the term "fanboy" would go away. It really is a meaningless term. I've been called a 360 and PS3 fanboy, sometimes in the same thread.

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Edited By AgentJ
@Rio said:
" @AgentJ:   Just because I dont own a Wii doesnt mean I dont know whats on the Wii.  I have multiple friends who own them and have played any game that actually catches my attention.  I actually owned a Wii for about a year myself before I sold it off.  What I'm saying is, if you dont like the fact that I dont find the Wii interesting, fine, but dont assume I know nothing about it.  I didnt say the Wii has no games of value for it, but I'm not the only one who finds not only the library less than lack luster but I find the features to be so as well.  I would appreciate it if i wasnt treated with the ignorance stamp so easily.  I dont blame anyone for owning a Wii, I can understand the appeal.  There is just no appeal for me.  My response is the result of how I read your comment, I apologize if I took it the wrong way.  Edit: And to reiterate, Muramasa is the only game on the Wii I have seen that I would actually want to spend time on....... that is just not the kind of console I want to spend my money on.  Again, not saying other games are bad, just saying there arent any that warrant my money being spent. "   
 The Gaming industry in general is plagued by ignorance of the Wii. Like I just pointed out in an earlier comment, people don't know a lot about the system and yet criticize it incessently. you may be one of them, or you may not be, but forgive me for being skeptical of your Wii experience. 
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Edited By MrGetBonus
@AgentJ said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" For a game where much of its charm lies in visuals, is it really so wrong to wish it was on an HD compatible console? The game has no motion controls and can be played with the classic/gamecube controller right? Then it has no benefit to being on the Wii and could only be better if it was brought to the PS3/360 instead where it could make use of better HD graphics. "
So you're saying that a game needs motion controls to justify being on the Wii exclusively? "
Yes. "
Then by the same token, does a PS3 game require SixAxis support to justify being a PS3 exclusive? "
No, because the main draw of the Wii is its control system. The Wii is obviously graphically inferior but is supposed to make up for it with innovative motion controls. You take that away and you take away the best part about the Wii. Look at Wii Sports, one of the most popular Wii games. Take motion control away from that and what do you have? A really shitty game. "
Well the 360 is inferior in both graphics and hardware to the PS3, so why isn't every game made for the PS3 rather than the 360? Why would anyone make anything for a console that isn't the PS3? "
You can't compare the difference in graphics between the PS3 vs 360 to Wii vs PS3/360. The difference is much greater. Also, my argument is that this game would benefit from being on the 360/PS3 over the Wii and not the difference between the the 360 and PS3. I think both the PS3 and 360 excel in different areas and that the only thing the Wii has over these two consoles is the controls. All I'm saying is this game could only be better if it was on the PS3/360. You obviously disagree so why not, instead of trying to apply my statements to other arguments, tell me why this game is better BECAUSE it's on the Wii.
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Edited By Linkyshinks

Yeah all such views are totally idiotic in my eyes, for a number of reasons.  
The claims that it would play better on 360 are dumb, how could it with the shittest D-pad (ever made on a popular console) of all the consoles, and it's loose thumbstick?  This game requires responsive tight controls that the Nintendo controlers deliver.

The game looks awesome in every respect already, it would benefit very little with HD output, apart from appealing to HD hoars.  Vannilaware dont care about HD graphics, they see the game as stunning without them and easier to construct on Wii.      
1UP Game Night for anyone's that's interested...

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Edited By DanielJW
@JCGamer said:
" I don't think that (some) people are complaining about the graphic per se.  I think the game looks great.  It's just when you see a game released in SD, and you have an HD set-up, you can't help but think that you've missed out on potential.  I know that plenty of people here really like 2-D games, and in this day in age, not many of them are being made.  So when one comes out on a SD system, I can see how people are like "damn, the one 2-D game they make this year and it's held back by the Wii".  I'm just saying. "
But why is it "held back". It looks great in SD, it's just that people want HD so badly they can't appreciate beautiful graphics unless they're in it.
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Edited By Rio
@AgentJ:  Your skepticism is based on a generality.  I dont need excuses for you to brand me as someone who is Ignorant, I simply dont need to be treated that way....... and I dont care how many fall under that group, it just comes off as arrogance.  For all you know I know more about the Wii than you do simply because I still have access to one and follow the industry as much or more as you do.  Now does that mean I know more than you? Of course not, I'm just stringing together your logic.  
You yourself can be alot worst than those who are ignorant, its fine to get the message out and try to enlighten people but you dont need to associate it with a superior tone.  I'm not in the best of moods, and I'm sure I would apologize for over-reacting if I was of a sounder mind.  So Ill just say it:  Sorry if I over-reacted to your comment, again, its just how I'm reading it.
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Edited By AgentJ
@MrGetBonus said:
" @AgentJ said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @MrGetBonus said:
" For a game where much of its charm lies in visuals, is it really so wrong to wish it was on an HD compatible console? The game has no motion controls and can be played with the classic/gamecube controller right? Then it has no benefit to being on the Wii and could only be better if it was brought to the PS3/360 instead where it could make use of better HD graphics. "
So you're saying that a game needs motion controls to justify being on the Wii exclusively? "
Yes. "
Then by the same token, does a PS3 game require SixAxis support to justify being a PS3 exclusive? "
No, because the main draw of the Wii is its control system. The Wii is obviously graphically inferior but is supposed to make up for it with innovative motion controls. You take that away and you take away the best part about the Wii. Look at Wii Sports, one of the most popular Wii games. Take motion control away from that and what do you have? A really shitty game. "
Well the 360 is inferior in both graphics and hardware to the PS3, so why isn't every game made for the PS3 rather than the 360? Why would anyone make anything for a console that isn't the PS3? "
You can't compare the difference in graphics between the PS3 vs 360 to Wii vs PS3/360. The difference is much greater. Also, my argument is that this game would benefit from being on the 360/PS3 over the Wii and not the difference between the the 360 and PS3. I think both the PS3 and 360 excel in different areas and that the only thing the Wii has over these two consoles is the controls. All I'm saying is this game could only be better if it was on the PS3/360. You obviously disagree so why not, instead of trying to apply my statements to other arguments, tell me why this game is better BECAUSE it's on the Wii. "
I've got a very good reason: Ease of development. Vanillaware isn't a huge company like EA, so they can't afford to spend millions upon millions of dollars developing for the XBOX and PS3. On the other hand, the Wii is very easy to develop for, and they can spend less time making just as good a game (honestly, I can't see the game looking any better on another console).  This is exactly why the graphicly inferior PS2 was so successful in its game library last time around
Even if that wasn't the case though, you were saying that the wii shouldn't be the home of any games because they could look better. All games could look better on the PS3. Thus, why would anyone develop for the XBOX as well? It may not be as big a drop in graphics, but it is still a drop none the less. 
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Man, I should buy stocks in the bifocal industry if so many people have so bad eyesight that they can't see anything unless it's in HD.
MrGetBonus has a point though. This game isn't better because it's on the Wii and it certainly wouldn't hurt if this game was in HD, but the amount of ignorant graphic whores that have been outed by this discussion should be shocking. Unfortunately it's not.

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Edited By AgentJ
@Rio said:

" @AgentJ:  Your skepticism is based on a generality.  I dont need excuses for you to brand me as someone who is Ignorant, I simply dont need to be treated that way....... and I dont care how many fall under that group, it just comes off as arrogance.  For all you know I know more about the Wii than you do simply because I still have access to one and follow the industry as much or more as you do.  Now does that mean I know more than you? Of course not, I'm just stringing together your logic.    You yourself can be alot worst than those who are ignorant, its fine to get the message out and try to enlighten people but you dont need to associate it with a superior tone.  I'm not in the best of moods, and I'm sure I would apologize for over-reacting if I was of a sounder mind.  So Ill just say it:  Sorry if I over-reacted to your comment, again, its just how I'm reading it. "

You say I am generalizing, but you seem to be doing the same thing with the Wii lineup, so I don't know how you can stand there and criticize me for the same fault. If I am sounding superior, that is not what I intended for, but the fact is that the Wii does come under a lot of unwarranted fire. I'm just playing the percentages. From what I've read of your posts in this topic, you sound much, if not entirely like another member of Giantbomb who was talking about how much wii games sucked, was shown a list of wii games, and was nearly instantly converted.  
Besides all that, your avatar is sweet. that is my favorite movie of all time
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Edited By Neon941
Wise words Hailinel! I got Muramasa on release day and I've really enjoyed my time with it so far, though I will admit, it's not such a groundbreaker that if you don't own a Wii already it'll make you want to rush out and buy one. On the other hand though, with games like No More Heroes, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and Phantom Brave: We meet again etc... the Wii is starting to establish itself as a viable core gamer console. 
HD graphics are kind of a fad, just like the Wii's waggle motion, neither side is really right, if you think a game looks worth playing then you go out and buy it. I'm personally not ashamed to admit that not only can I just barely tell the difference when 360 games are played on an HD TV, I still play my Genesis and SNES religiously.
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Edited By oldschool
@Linkyshinks said:
" Yeah all such views are totally idiotic in my eyes, for a number of reasons.  
The claims that it would play better on 360 are dumb, how could it with the shittest D-pad (ever made on a popular console) of all the consoles and it's loose analog?  This game requires responsive tight controls.
The game looks awesome in every respect already, it would benefit very little with HD output, apart from appealing to HD hoars.  There's a good interview on the Vanillaware's page that explains why it's on Wii.- Vannilaware dont care about HD graphics, they see the game as stunning without them and easier to contruct on Wii through programming.     ... "
This gets my vote as the most sensible comment on this thread.