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Happy Bday To Me...

I'm 22 today. Yay? And drunk a little now so I dont' really know what is tis going to look lkie. Ummm. I still can't rent a car, but I can drink, smoke (i dont smoke), and other adult stufff still. 

So yey I'm 22. Not a great age to be. I'm still in college, have 3 more years to go (hopefully) to get my bachelors and I'm a hardcore gamer. I really like my life though, not much to complain about andd that is an important thing. I might get prototype today. Some okay reviews on it and it still looks fun to play.

Now for me to chug wathr so i don't have a hangover. O yeah, go and see the movie The Hangoever, that movie is hilarious. Have a great day guys1