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What a day...

Let me start off by saying that Giant Bomb is an awesome site. Yesterday, I have probably spent around 7 hours editing, looking at some of the database of games and posting in the forums. I think that they need to get some mods rolling through the forums because there are some people who are being ridiculous. As a whole, Giant Bomb, to me, just feels right.

Now, I know that many of you have seen, "The Dark Knight", and praised it for being an awesome movie. A couple of friends and I went to go see it at 11am today and were rather disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the movie was pretty good for being two and a half hours, but there were some things that were not great. I won't continue ranting on the movie, but did anyone else think that Cristian Bale sounded angrily constipated (overly intense) when he was playing Batman?

Anyway, I haven't had a chance to play any games because I've been at my friend's house all day. When I get a chance to go home, I'll most likely want to play some 360. There are so many games that I need to beat that it is not even funny. Hopefully I can accomplish beating some of them before the summer is over.