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Best of 2010

Harmonican: Best of 2010

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  • No contest! I just love this universe.

  • Have they fixed the save bug yet? It's keeping me from playing the second best game of 2010 dammit!

  • This could almost be the game of the year (not really though, nothing compares to ME) but it's impossible to know when key components aren't available.

  • I have dreamt of this exact game since I was a young boy, but never thought something like it would ever be made. But I still feel something's lacking. The GTA formula starts to feel really old.

  • I thought about CoD Black Ops, because I really like the mp (thanks Infinity Ward), but I despise everything single player in the CoD-franshise so it wouldn't be right. I thought about BF Bad Company 2, but I only really enjoy playing with friends. And then there's a couple of games I'm almost certain would get a top spot if I had only tested them (SC2, AC: Brotherhood, Limbo, Vanquish) but there's just not enough time. So in the end five is the magic number. And even if Alan wake where underwhelming at times I really liked it.