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My first MMO...

 I started playing my first MMORPG (AION) this past April.  YES, I AM AN MMO N00B.  I've enjoyed playing AION thus far, but there is sooooo much to learn.  Gaming isn't supposed to be such a drain on the brain :P  Let's see....what kind of questions does a n00b like me have? 
1)  Why are there so many unspoken rules in MMO's?  "You aren't the one that's supposed to aggro the boss!"  "Kill in order!"  "Use your AOE and CC!"  (Kinda like bowling--you know, don't throw your bowling ball until the person in your left  AND/OR right lane is/are through).  Okay, Okay, I kinda suck in group play atm.  What can I say?  I'm still learning.
2)  Group looting -- "Need before Greed"  Hmmm, what's the definition of need?  I need it all lol. :P  Oh yeah, that reminds me....where the heck do all those people get their millions and millions of in-game kinah/gold?  Yah, I would love to buy that pair of gloves for $2.5 million or dye my armor black for $300K/piece.
3)  How in the world do people type in the chat box and battle a boss at the same time?!   You only have to push eight million buttons on your keyboard and click your mouse a billion times during a boss fight.  Macros, eh?  I haven't arrived there yet lol.
4)  You MUST have Ventrilo.  Yes, immerse yourself in a world of strangers.  It's fun :D  The first legion I joined turned out to be a bunch of guys who liked to get high while they gamed--to each his own, but I don't get involved in that kind of stuff.  Oh and the most common question I'm asked when I'm running around as a female toon, "Are you a girl?"  Hmmm...apparently guys run around frequently as girl toons.  Who woulda thunk it? :P
5)  Then there is the whole new language you have to learn: "Ganking"  "AFK" "Laura Croft" "AOE" "CC" "WTB/WTS" 
I practically feel like I need a college class just to play MMOs :P