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new places, new things

Okay well not so new because I've lived in Colorado before, but regardless I am back in the Springs and I am all moved in.  
Besides wanting to be emotional and lethargic about analyzing that dichotomy of really being glad to be in a new place 
but missing an older one at the same time, I have some great news! 
This little project has been in the works for a little while now and it is finally coming to life: 
                        *crazy font* A PODCAST *crazy font* 
That's right, a podcast. What's it gonna be about? Hmm. Vidya, perhaps? 
Here's the basic idea: 
Each episode we (my two roommates and I) are going to be playing through a game to talk about and review. 
Pretty much we'll all decide on a game probably sometime around a week before the episode, give it a week to play (sometimes 
longer due to school/work/etc.), and talk about it on the show. 
There will also be other segments like one where we talk about what games we've been playing and what not. It should 
be exciting.  
I will still be writing reviews but they just may come a tad bit slower now that I have this monster to deal with. 
I'm very curious to see where this leads. I haven't ventured much into this kind of media very much at all 
so there will definitely be a few bugs to work out and much to learn along the way.  
The first game for the podcast is about to be started and I am hoping to have the first episode out in the next couple of weeks here. 
What's the first episode going to be about you ask? Well I can't tell you, but I can say this. It involves zombies.