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A few words about a friend who passed away, my N64. (Part 2)

If you don't know whats going on, check part 1.

There I was, sat in front of my tick sheet that had every single N64 game on it. I had hoped to collect them all, in the end I settled for just the PAL region. So all in all there was about 250 games, i was very excited. Over the next few months I would proceed to pick up a few games every week on Amazon, soon found out Amazon was not the best source for this so i ended up setting up an eBay account. It was easy at first, I as able to check out all of the good games that i wanted as a child but missed

Life was good for a while there, all of these games were like £5 or less, apart from Conkers Bad Fur day which I ended up getting for £35. Which was cheap for that game, it usually ran for £50. Paper Mario was the one I got a steal on, i got it in the box 100% complete for £50, that easily could have gone for double.

Being late to the party I suppose I didn't really get Ocarina of Time, I ended up thinking it was an ok game, not great but ok. I hated Diddy Kong racing, they added so many things that I just didn't like. Goldeneye was good, i still haven't finished it but it is a good game.

But then eventually I ran out of games that I wanted and forced myself to just buy any N64 game I could see. This ended in me getting a lot of bad games, some of them surprisingly fun but most of them just are some hot junk. By around November when I started picking up games for no reason I stopped. The games starting getting expensive and I just stopped caring. But I didn't put my N64 away, my N64 stayed out. Every so often I would go back and replay some of the games I played as a child, despite all of my new N64 games all I wanted to play was Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie etc. Since then I beat Banjo-Kazooie at least once a year that remains true to this very day.

Extra Life, I took part in Extra life this past Saturday, for those unaware its when you play video games for 24 hours. I had planned to spend the majority of it on my N64, I hoped to 100% both Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario 64. So I woke up, played some Pokemon in bed, then jumped on to my N64. I first played a bit of Pokemon Snap, then some Doom 64. While playing Doom 64 the N64 turned itself off. I assumed there was a power cut or something, but nope everything else was still on. Then I thought it was the game but nope because the red light had turned off. I tried multiple games and multiple sockets.

My N64 had died.

I didn't really know how to feel, the N64 is the oldest piece of gaming technology that I own, I have a SNES but I bought that a few years ago. My N64 has had a great deal of play on it over the decade and a bit that I've had it. I never had any problems before, all of my old games are the original copies too so that copy of Banjo-Kazooie is the same one I bought with the original console. This put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day and ended up not finishing Extra Life. I ordered a new N64 a few days ago, it arrived last night. I will still be able to play all those N64 games, just not on my original N64.

So as I say goodbye to an old friend, I think about how excited I got when I first got it. And how a console never excited me the same way again, when I have children one day. This will be the console I show my children first, what better console to show them than my favourite console.



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Edited By Hizang

If you don't know whats going on, check part 1.

There I was, sat in front of my tick sheet that had every single N64 game on it. I had hoped to collect them all, in the end I settled for just the PAL region. So all in all there was about 250 games, i was very excited. Over the next few months I would proceed to pick up a few games every week on Amazon, soon found out Amazon was not the best source for this so i ended up setting up an eBay account. It was easy at first, I as able to check out all of the good games that i wanted as a child but missed

Life was good for a while there, all of these games were like £5 or less, apart from Conkers Bad Fur day which I ended up getting for £35. Which was cheap for that game, it usually ran for £50. Paper Mario was the one I got a steal on, i got it in the box 100% complete for £50, that easily could have gone for double.

Being late to the party I suppose I didn't really get Ocarina of Time, I ended up thinking it was an ok game, not great but ok. I hated Diddy Kong racing, they added so many things that I just didn't like. Goldeneye was good, i still haven't finished it but it is a good game.

But then eventually I ran out of games that I wanted and forced myself to just buy any N64 game I could see. This ended in me getting a lot of bad games, some of them surprisingly fun but most of them just are some hot junk. By around November when I started picking up games for no reason I stopped. The games starting getting expensive and I just stopped caring. But I didn't put my N64 away, my N64 stayed out. Every so often I would go back and replay some of the games I played as a child, despite all of my new N64 games all I wanted to play was Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie etc. Since then I beat Banjo-Kazooie at least once a year that remains true to this very day.

Extra Life, I took part in Extra life this past Saturday, for those unaware its when you play video games for 24 hours. I had planned to spend the majority of it on my N64, I hoped to 100% both Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario 64. So I woke up, played some Pokemon in bed, then jumped on to my N64. I first played a bit of Pokemon Snap, then some Doom 64. While playing Doom 64 the N64 turned itself off. I assumed there was a power cut or something, but nope everything else was still on. Then I thought it was the game but nope because the red light had turned off. I tried multiple games and multiple sockets.

My N64 had died.

I didn't really know how to feel, the N64 is the oldest piece of gaming technology that I own, I have a SNES but I bought that a few years ago. My N64 has had a great deal of play on it over the decade and a bit that I've had it. I never had any problems before, all of my old games are the original copies too so that copy of Banjo-Kazooie is the same one I bought with the original console. This put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day and ended up not finishing Extra Life. I ordered a new N64 a few days ago, it arrived last night. I will still be able to play all those N64 games, just not on my original N64.

So as I say goodbye to an old friend, I think about how excited I got when I first got it. And how a console never excited me the same way again, when I have children one day. This will be the console I show my children first, what better console to show them than my favourite console.

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Edited By Genkkaku

That suck's duder especially for it to go when it did, so what did you do for the rest of Extra Play then with that spanner in the works?

Thinking back I wish I never gave away my N64, some of the best games I've ever played were on that system (Also wish I hung onto my dreamcast).. I remember anytime I was bored, I'd just go play Mischief Makers or something..

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Edited By Hizang

@Genkkaku: I played Borderlands 2, I borrowed my sisters 360 and played banjo-Kazooie on the 360. Start to finish in just over 5 hours 100%

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Edited By Genkkaku

@Hizang: Ahhkay fair enough, at least it didn't put to big a dent in you Extra Life plans, still sucks though.. But damn 5 hours I don't even think I ever finished Banjo-Kazooie after a very long time of playing it..

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Edited By Levio

We gather here today to mourn the loss of a dear friend of Hizang's.

One with whom he shared many a childhood memory.

A console like no other, the N64 ushered him into the worlds of Mario, Pokemon, Star Wars, and yes, even Banjo Kazooie.

But like all things of merit, its time one this Earth was all too brief.

With its body broken beyond repair, the console's hardware will now return to the ground from whence it came and rest eternally.

But those lucky few who knew it well, know that its soul has made its way to console heaven, where it will play with friends for all eternity.

Goodbye old friend. We hardly knew ye.

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Edited By SpaceRunaway

I don't want to interrupt your mourning, but have you tried checking the power supply? I'm guessing that it fried, but I think that there's probably a good chance nothing's wrong with the actual console. Anyway, don't bury it in the backyard just yet.

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Edited By Hizang

@SpaceRunaway: I chucked it away a few days ago, my new one is all hooked up and works fine.

Another thing I didn't mention was that N64's are way more expensive than I thought they would be. The cheapest I could find was £40, it came with a controller, all leads and four games so I suppose it was a deal? I wanted to get the Pikachu one but thats higher than I would like to spend.