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Got an XB1X and I'm looking for friends because Apex is tragic by yourself - my XBL name is supHumanity so please add me!

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@kid_gloves: I think it's just a preference more than anything. I simply don't like wandering around randomly generated levels, floor after floor, looking for a shortcut to unlock and then dying and having to do the whole thing all over again. I like linear, hand crafted experiences for the unique nature and sense of perpetuity that goes beyond unlocking shortcuts or passive buffs. Also I'm just at a point in my life where I rather experience several shorter but really unique games from start to finish than play the same one over and over again for 100 hours.

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The same way Jeff mentioned last night on UPF that he's really bummed out how a lot of high profile games coming out are MOBA's these days, I'm super bummed that a lot of really neat looking indie titles are roguelikes. I get that as a smaller indie studio it's much easier to create a set number of assets and have a random generator spew forth "infinite" hours of gameplay rather than meticulously hand crafting a 6-8hr experience level by level - but man do I find the roguelike formula extremely repetitive and boring.

Thats not to say it's bad since a ton of people obviously enjoy it, ain't nothin' wrong with that, but it's totally not for me. I so much rather get more games like Hotline Miami, Hyper Light Drifter or Gunpoint than a Spelunky which theoretically would last me way longer than all of those games combined.

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Austin was going for that signature Brad "weh-heh-heh-heh" stoner voice.

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@bisonhero: Off the top of my head I can't recall anything being there. There might have been a health box as I remember but I'm not sure. Also I only have one alternative outfit and had no idea they're anything but cosmetic. As much as I think the environmental story telling can be fun and mysterious, things like important gameplay mechanics not so much. Took me a good couple of minutes of just dying to enemies over and over again until I finally figured out what the timing of the bullet-absorb-dash was. I don't think it would have killed them to make it a little cleared that you need to dash when the bullets or projectiles are super close to you as if it's a sword deflect. If not with words then maybe show an animation of doing it the right way and the wrong way. For a while there I was convinced that you could only dash into bullets from the side for the power to work. That, along with the way secret wall openings force you to rub yourself across all surfaces in every area is something they could have worked on. Oh an yah, the timing for some of the moves is a little too specific for how hectic the fights can get.

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@bisonhero: I've been reading about a boss that is "almost unbeatable" without the dash chaining upgrade and I've beaten the first three (West, North, East) so without spoilers is it the south boss? Or were people talking about the North boss that does the floor thingies because I barely chain dashed during that fight. Not because I was that good or anything, the exact opposite actually - because I found it really difficult to time the chained dashing in the heat of the battle I resulted to a much more careful and measured approach with a lot of shooting.

So far out of those three bosses I don't think any of them require any upgrades at all to beat. The powered up slash manages to expedite the process but it's not crucial.

Incidentally have you tried the X+A dash strike power? I have like two 3-box upgrades banked and am wondering what I should get next. I have the bullet absorbing dash and was thinking maybe getting the sword deflecting upgrade is a bit superfluous at this point.

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@bisonhero: The trick I found to the West boss:

After you attack you dash through him, which motions him to follow you in a very predictable and easy pattern. Kind of like a Souls game, this is a boss that seems really aggressive and intimidating so you naturally act defensively. But by dashing towards him and then through him he seems to get off balance, like he's programmed to seek and destroy not defend.

It's kind of an interesting dynamic. In stark comparison I just fought the East boss today and was constantly expecting something more. That fight was so straightforward that I beat it very sloppily just because I could. Still took like 4-5 tries to get the patterns down.

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@ripelivejam said:
@humanity said:

It would be really cool if you were actually a tiny human on the ground, remotely controlling the mech using a cool little gadget from this street level perspective and you'd have to like climb up buildings and towers in order to get a better view of where to swing.

So yah, get on that guys!

i like what they're doing already but this seems like a really cool idea. maybe if there's an extra mode down the line and time/resources willing...

You guys should check out Robot Alchemic Drive. They should do it like that!

Also, RAD has lot more weight to it's robots, which I feel is kinda missing from this.

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I always wanted to get RAD back in the day but never did! Always looked really interesting.

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Edited By Humanity

It would be really cool if you were actually a tiny human on the ground, remotely controlling the mech using a cool little gadget from this street level perspective and you'd have to like climb up buildings and towers in order to get a better view of where to swing.

So yah, get on that guys!

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@danthegamer32 said:

I beat the north boss first. With zero upgrades. It was a whole lot of learning the patterns, maybe beat him on my 9th go? It was real fun though, I very much like this game!

Me too. I had gotten stuck in the east area without enough life and so decided to head north instead and see where that took me. I died a lot on that boss, but really learned how the combat works and then I returned to the east area and just demolished everything. Beat the boss on my 3rd try. Westwards now...

I did West first which taught me a whole lot of patience when dealing with a boss. Then I went North and I think I knocked that whole area out in under an hour. Those deep diving birds can go suck it though.

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@humanity: There are a ton of games that have done those things before Souls. I got an Another World vibe off the wordless storytelling and environmental clues. And nearly any 8 or 16-bit game with enough difficulty had people timing out and counting hits.

Edit: Just to be clear, I love Souls games and the comparison isn't totally incorrect. I just think it's odd how any game that has:

-vague storytelling

-lack of hand-holding tutorials

-challenging gameplay focused on reflexes and precise timing

is now described as being "like Souls" when it literally describes most games released pre-2000.

The cadence of the combat is what reminded me of a Souls game specifically. When I started fighting enemies in the west that forced a lot of "slash, slash, dodge away" type patterns I was very clearly reminded of playing a Souls game where I'd have to fight the urge to not get that last hit in but dodge instead.

Not every hard, esoteric game is necessarily "Souls-like" but there was enough here where I personally felt the connection. It's a little odd how some people are now almost aggressively fighting the notion of it. It's a completely different style of game so obviously it's not exactly like Dark Souls but there are obvious similarities. If you don't feel it then sure, you do you, but to say "anyone that thinks this is like a Souls game is fooling themselves" or whatnot is a bit much.

All that said I can see how some people might find the comparison tiring as it does get thrown around quite a lot, I just think in this case it's justified. But hey, thats just me.