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Dreamcast Collection -- RANT TIME

So, with the announcement of the "Dreamcast Collection", I am going to rant.
The main problem is, the choice of the 4 fucking games in the thing.  Here's the breakdown:
1.  Sonic Adventure --  SA blows.  Plain and simple.  We were all suckered (me included) on 9/9/99 when it came out, with the first two levels.  After that the game fails miserably.  Horrible camera, combat, characters (my god, the characters!), awful levels, huge patches of the game where you just wander around hoping to trip into a cinematic to tell you what to do, it's endless.  If that game came out today, it would be laughed at.  Actually, it already was.  Big the Cat is also one of the worst characters of all time.  Ever.
2.  Space Channel 5: Part 2 -- Well, there's two problems.  1.  Space Michael is probably going to be cut out, which is a bummer,  since he's one of the few good things.  And 2.  Part 2 is kind of a shitty game.   It never came out to American Dreamcast's, only the PS2.  Space Channel is by no mean a perfect game, but hell Part 1 is leaps and bounds better than Part 2.  What the hell?
3.  CrAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAzy Taxi -- No Offspring, or Bad Religion = FAILURE
4.  Sega Bass Fishing -- Seriously?  SERIOUSLY?!  It's a FUCKING FISHING GAME!  That sucked back then.  It was only made tolerable due to that goofy-ass fishing controller.  Now, unless they're making a converter for that thing to work for the 360 (which I doubt), this game serves no purpose. 
Also 2 of these games (SA1 and Crazy Taxi) are both on the Xbox 360, and PC anyway.  So fuck you, Sega.
Here's a small list of games, that'd be great:
1.  Power Stone 1, or 2.  Never played 2, but 1 is quite great.  Especially the guy who turns into a Super Saiyan and does the yellow spirit bomb thing.
2.  Marvel vs. Capcom 1.  Why not?  It'd be a nice throw-back.
3.  Armada -- If they patched in Live co-op, it'd be amazing.  Even without, the game is still great.
4.  Jet Grind Radio -- Fix the analog stick imprecision, and it'd be golden.
5.  Shenmue (kind of) -- nerds like Shenmue, but the game is trash.  Still an interesting historical curiosity, but nothing else.
6.  Maken X -- super weird, and kind of obscure FPS game, where you brain-jack people, and fight.
7.  Cannon Spike -- Any game named after Cammy's special attacks are "OK" in my book.  Kind of a weird game, but fun.
8.  Chu-Chu Rocket -- Obviously.
9.  Daytona USA 2001:  My friend Frank Provo (former GS dude) is semi-obsessed with it.  There was supposed to be some HD remake on the 360, but it apparently stalled (pardon the pun)
10.  Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver  -- The DC version is the best.
11.  Project Justice --  Rival Schools gets no love, but I really enjoyed this game, except for that fruity swimmer guy.  I really like the idea of high-school kids beating the shit out of each other with Hadoukens, and huge baseball bats. 
12.  MDK2 -- a sequel to MDK 1, but this time made by Bioware.  Max and Kurt are great to play, but the Doctor sucks.
13.  Phantasy Star Online -- It'd be a really weird throw-back game, but it would be interesting.
14.  Starlancer (kind of)  -- I loved Starlancer, but the game's controls are virtually insane.  I think I'm one of 3 people ever to figure the game out on the original DC.
15.   Sword of the Berzerk -- A really fun 3rd person action game.  No chance though.
16.   Trickstyle/Re-Volt -- Both are great, but I loved Trickstyle more, because it looked fantastic.  Plus it had hoverboards.  No chance for either due to the Acclaim bankruptcy.
17.  San Fransisco Rush 2049 --  Very unlikely.  But come on, cars with wings.  What more do you want?
That's about it.  I would've thrown up Skies of Arcadia, but I never played it (and I doubt I ever will).
Also, Sega, if you make another collection, and put Sonic Adventure 2 on it, we're done. That game is like a vomit-covered abortion.  STOP IT!