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Episode 4 Done

Finished the BTTF Episode 4 "Double Visions".  Good episode, but it had a few problems:

1.  I missed Jennifer some.  Considering she was so integral to the third episode, her short time in this episode was annoying.
2.  Some of the camera stuff bugged me, just the way it kept switching, and loosing track of where I needed to go.
3.  Citizen's Brown's motivations are lacking.  Who really cares about Edna Strickland?
4.  The mental helmet test thing was ok, but the switch to turn the test off, and to switch to the next slide were too close.  I accidentally shut the test off twice, while in the middle, because of that.
And the big one:  5.  The game glitched/locked up twice, while I was playing it.  The first time, while I was rescuing Doc from the Citizen Plus program.  I jumped on the gurney, with my guitar to blast Edna out, and the models became seriously corrupted, turned black, and the music repeated like 3 times.  It then went to desktop, and when it came up, it was fine
The second time, it was when I was chasing after young Emmett, after Edna broke up with him, and he was on the courthouse balcony.  Same problem of corrupted graphics/music, crashing to the desktop, then restoring itself.  Not bad, per se (I didn't loose progress or anything), but just weird.

Few other things:

1.  Bought Contra and Banjo Kazooie for the 360.  Contra is a BITCH.  Haven't messed with Banjo yet.
2.  Going to buy Portal 2, and Eternal Darkness sometime this weekend.  Portal 2 is 30$ at Gamestop, so that's a good deal.  Also might pick up Forza 3 Ultimate, if I can.
3.  Trying to social engineer myself a copy of Ultimate MK3 for the 360.  As you may/may not know, UMK3 was on the 360 for a while, but was pulled due to Midway crashing & burning.  Due to this, you can't buy the game anymore, but can still download it, if you bought it previously.  I didn't, but I do have a trial version.  When I try to buy it, it spits out an error code, and can't be completed.  So, I called up Microsoft today, to see if there's a way I can buy the game from them.  It took 19 minutes, and the woman finally gave up and said she'd escalate the matter, with Microsoft calling back with an answer.  I fully expect a "Screw off" type of conclusion, but I really would like to buy it, if I could.

Ah well, take it easy, everyone.