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GameCube best games?

So, I'm trying to determine a list of the best GameCube games.  I've been looking to buy a GameCube (or possibly a Panasonic Q), and some games, but I'm having a hard time trying to nail down the "best" games for the system.  Here's what I got so far:

1.  Animal Crossing
2.  Sonic Gems Collection
3.  Eternal Darkness
4.  Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition
5.  Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
6.  Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
7.  Mario Kart Double Dash
8.  MGS: Twin Snakes
9.  Metroid Prime 1 and 2
10.  Paper Mario
11.  Pikman 1 or 2
12.  Resident Evil
13.  Skies of Arcadia
14.  Starfox Adventures
15.  Starfox Assault
16.  Super Mario Sunshine
17.  Super Smash Bros Melee
18.  Wave Race: Blue Storm
If anyone else can recommend anything, it'd be much appreciated.  Thanks.