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I am angry (AND SO CAN YOU!)

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Asura’s Wrath, Capcom’s latest bit of craziness, released a demo last week for PS3 and Xbox 360. An oddity in gameplay, presentation, and (presumably) story, I highly recommend that the curious go out and play it. It’s fun, if only for the short time the demo lasts, and one I’ll be keeping a lookout for when its February release date draws nearer.


No, the real reason I bring up Asura’s Wrath is because they’ve got a bit of an interactive promotion going. In a move that can only be executed in this stupid stupid age of the internet, Capcom wants you to upload videos of you “Raging”.

The official Asura’s Wrath Youtube channel (HERE) seems to also have versions for all you European folks. How exactly they’ll be used is beyond me. The video doesn’t make it really clear, and the Tweet that alerted me to it simply stipulated that the videos need be around 10 seconds and contain “No words… just screaming!”


Stupid, yes. But I’ve never been one above stooging myself out for the sake of stupid video features.

And hell if you’re not either, live in US or Europe, and/or just don’t give an EFF, I’d highly encourage you too as well. It'd be neat to see the Whiskey Media duders and duderettes get involved in a stupid interweb competition.