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#1  Edited By Implodinggoat

I've been playing a lot with these guns and I have a few comments and suggestions for balancing the guns in ME3.
1:  RE: The Phalanx:  I love the concept of giving the player guns which make a weapon class more versatile.  I think the Phalanx is particularly great since it gives players without Sniper Rifles or Assault Rifles a decent sniping option; but an option which is still appropriately weak relative to a true Sniper Rifle.   I'd love to see a sawed off shotgun like sidearm which applies the same concept to shotguns, weaker than any true shotgun; but a decent alternative for classes without shotty training.
2:  RE: The Mattock.  The Mattock is a ton of fun; but its also overpowered in the hands of a Soldier with Adrenaline Rush.   For ME3 I would STRONGLY recommend halving the Mattock's clip size to 8 rounds and decreasing  the amount of ammo it gets from a thermal clip by 20 to 30%.  This would make it an appropriately ammo hungry gun and limit the obscene damage it can do in a single adrenaline rush without removing the gun's unique ability to unleash a devestating barrage.  It would also help balance the weapon by forcing the player to adjust to frequent reloads in effect making the gun operate much like an M-1 Garrand.
3:  RE: The GPS:  Its a really fun gun and I like seeing guns with alternate firing modes; but it is a tad overpowered.  For ME3 I'd make the gun use an entire 4 round clip when firing a charged shot so that using the charged shot would make the gun more ammo hungry and force the player to reload after firing.  Also I think the glow of a charged shot should allow enemies to target Infiltrators using cloak.

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#2  Edited By Implodinggoat

I'll just throw it out there and say I could not stop hoarding my heavy weapons ammo (same goes for medigel).  Rationally I knew that I'd find more; but the fact that I couldn't resupply at will kicked my subconscious into hoard mode and I hardly ever used my heavy weapons, which is a shame cause they're a lot of fun to use.
For ME3 or future ME2 DLC, I'd really appreciate a way to resupply my power cells and medigel between missions simply as a means to combat my natural proclivity to hoard.

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#3  Edited By Implodinggoat

 As I said I like stasis; but I do have a few ideas for improving it.

1:  Have the duration increase AND rate at which enemies become immune decrease for each level of the power unlocked.

2:  Make it more clear to the player how the enemy immunity works
(Give me the numbers you're using.)
3:  The Evolved Versions Are Underwhelming:  As in ME1 Stasis is an ability which has a lot of upside from investing a single point in it, which is unto itself a plus in my opinion; but fully evolving it to level 4 doesn't seem like a good return on investment.  So here's how I'd tweak it...

  • Evolved Version 1, Stasis Field:  Gives the Stasis Field a 3 meter radius.  Giving the player an ability to lock down a a small cluster of enemies.

  • Evolved Version 2,  Flux Stasis:  Lets players deal a diminished amount of damage on an enemy in stasis, say 30% (subject to play testing) of the weapon or power damage they would normally deal.  This would give the player a way to unload on a helpless opponent; but since their damage output would be greatly diminished, doing so comes at a cost since it will suck up their ammo and since they will have difficulty killing the target before the effects of stasis wear off.
PS:  On a side note, I think it would be wise to remove the level cap for ME3 and with it the limit on talent points for Shepard and his squad.  The leveling system isn't quite deep enough to provide really deep character building (which I personally don't have a problem with) , so you might as well let the player max out all their powers and keep rewarding them with level ups.  Alternatively you might impose a level cap on the players first play through; but allow the player to max out all their powers and their squad's powers by starting a new career from an imported end game save file, thus imposing the same character building limitations as in ME2 on the first play through and rewarding the player who completes a second play through.
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#4  Edited By Implodinggoat

For what it's worth, I love stasis and I'd love to see it make a return in ME3, preferably as Liara's bonus power (FYI: I'll be pissed if she doesn't return as a squad member in ME3).  The ability to instantly incapacitate an enemy with protection is really useful and the short recharge duration keeps you from being apprehensive to use it when you need to.  It makes a really nice compliment to the other biotic powers since so many of them require you to get an enemy's protection down before they become effective.  I found it extremely useful for incapacitating high level enemies while I picked  off their low level allies (thus allowing me to focus on them once they come out of stasis) and as a save my butt power when I was getting lit up by an enemy and needed to run for cover.  It's a particularly great power for Liara or for an Adept since it adds a very useful ability; but keeps things balanced by maintaining the biotic's weakness against shields.
Also, I think you nailed Liara's set of combat powers, they fit her character perfectly, they're extremely useful in a wide number of situations and yet she still didn't feel overpowered.  Warp is always extremely useful for any biotic and gives her a great direct damage power, stasis gives her an ability which is helpful  for incapacitating protected enemies and singularity is a blast for taking out large groups of unprotected enemies.  I paired Liara with Garrus during LOTSB and had a great time using a combo of Garrus's area overload to bring down a group's shields and then nailing them with Liara's wide singularity to send the whole group flying through the air.
When you bring her back as a squadmate for ME3 (I'll be devastated if she doesn't come back) I highly recommend giving her the exact same set of powers and weapons; because I found her to be one of the most useful and very possibly the most fun to use (singularity really is great fun as a squad power) squad member in the whole game.
PS:  Since you already put the work into developing her, I'd love to see her added on as a permanent squad member, post suicide mission, particularly if you guys plan to release any major (disc sized) post suicide mission DLC expansions in the future.  If nothing else it would make another great selling point for the LOTSB DLC, since it would give players more opportunity to use a really fun new squad member.  
On a side note, I know this is probably a long shot since it would likely entail an unholy amount of programming; but have you considered the possibility of adding her as a squadmate pre suicide mission and scripting the game so that an explosion during the approach to the Collector base incapacitates her before you board the base, making her unavailable as a squad member during the suicide mission and thus ensuring she'll survive into ME3?  I know its probably not happening; but I like her character and as I said I think you nailed her power set to such a degree that I had more fun with her in my squad than I did with any other squadmember.