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#1  Edited By indianchan

Kiryu can get catfished at the telephone club, it's pretty lucky that you guys somehow managed to not when you tried it. I personally thought these sequences were really funny so I think they're worth checking out. (Getting catfished takes Kiryu down to one health so make sure you have healing items on hand in case you end up in a random batlle afterwards)

There's a substory where Kiryu hangs out with Dojima's son (who becomes an important character in later games). Go here ( ) and talk to a man standing near a parked car and bike.

I would also suggest playing enough of the hostess minigame to defeat the first rival club. Both Kiryu and Majima's business sidestories take gigantic amounts of time to complete but yall should play up to the first boss of Majima's like you did with Kiryu's.

It seems like you guys did most of the funnier sidestories. Most of what's left is friendships and substories that require you to play the same minigame over and over again(Out-Run in Kamurocho as Kiryu, Space Harrier in Sotenbori as Majima, Slot Car Racing, Disco Dancing).

And a lil' tip to help you folk find your way around town, if you press triangle while looking at the map a list of all the enterable buildings will open up. You can scroll through this list and as you do each highlighted building will have an arrow pointing to it on the map