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Kicking the habit, dealing with chemical depression, and Portal 2

EDIT: Whoops, I just posted the most private and personal blog I've ever written into off-topic by mistake. Ah well.

Day 3 of my Suboxone taper. 
[This first part has nothing to do with games or the industry, just a forewarning]

It's been a year and a half since my heroin overdose and subsequent rehab. While I'd be lying if I said I remained completely sober that entire time, I haven't use illicit opiates in almost eight months, and I've managed to taper my Suboxone dose from the initial 24mgs a day down to 2mg every 12 or so hours.

The worst part about the taper isn't even the physical withdrawal symptoms. With that, I know what to expect, and I know how to remain as comfortable as possible. The tricky part is actually the psychological dependence to opiates. About two to three hours before the onset of physical withdrawal symtoms, the mental withdrawal kicks in. This makes things tricky.

Imagine sitting at your computer or in front of your TV, when all of a sudden a crippling depression washes over you. Depression isn't a big deal, everyone gets depressed at some points in their lives, however under normal circumstances, one tends to know WHY they feel so bad.

Having struggled with "depression" (never actually diagnosed but I must have been pretty sad/desperate to shoot heroin and oxycodone into my arms), the tricky part is knowing whether I'm legitimately sad. It's hard to know sometimes whether I really am feeling crummy for a legitimate reason, or if it's purely chemical. I tend to just wait it out until the physical withdrawal symptoms kick in, at which point I take a sliver of Suboxone. 99% of the time, 20 minutes later, I'm no longer sweating/shivering/shaking/throwing up/shitting my pants, and the depression has been lifted as well.

It's weird because a lot of the time parents blame a problem in their children's psyche on a "chemical imbalance". Nine times out of ten that's bullshit, and the they simply don't want to believe that their child is depressed because of something the parent's are directly responsible for/in control of.

During a Suboxone taper (any kind of opiate withdrawal actually) however, the chemical imbalance excuse is actually completely valid. Think about it. Imagine sitting there, all of a sudden feeling totally helpless, depressed and miserable for NO REASON WHATSOEVER. Seriously. Sometimes it can be hard to identify the source of a legitimate depression, but in the case of withdrawal, you could literally have just gotten laid, just won the lottery, something like that, and yet the depression still sets in 10 hours from my last dose.

It's tricky to deal with, but considering how tame the psychological withdrawal is in comparison to the physical, it's worth it to wade through the depression and wait for the onset of physical withdrawal symptoms to expedite one's taper. After all, if I were to just take a Suboxone every time I felt shitty, how would that be different from me shooting dope to deal with my problems?

I'm so happy that part of my life appears to be over. I know I'm not in the clear and I could relapse at any moment, but it feels so good to once again be engaged and excited about video games. When I was a young kid in middle school and in high school, I would literally have a euphoric response to the reveal/release of a big game, or DLC for a game I love. I stopped playing video games entirely for almost a year during my 'bout of dependency, and it feels great to get back into the whole scene.

I wont lie, Portal 2 has helped tremendously through the mental withdrawal periods. Though I have but one more co-op course to complete, thanks to the awesome community over at, I have a bunch of user-made maps to play and critique. I really hope Valve releases a free DLC pack with fully debugged versions of some of the better maps. It's totally unfair that 360 Portal 2 players can't play custom maps (neither can the PS3 but it comes with a Steam version, hence the reason I got it for PS3).

Not to knock any consoles, I own all three, a PC and a few Macs, I aint no fanboy =D.

The next Half-Life game is probably a lot closer than you think!

Note, the following is ALL speculation.

Valve isn't about to have a long, publicized development period for HL2:EP3/HL3. Clearly they are working with completely new, innovative technology and/or gameplay mechanics, and they don't want to show anything off until much closer to release. Kinda like how TF2 just came out of nowhere, Valve doesn't want to reveal the game and have it become obsolete and ripped-off before it can even launch. Not to mention they don't want to risk another leak, or have we all forgotten how some German kid almost singlehandedly brought down Valve?

 A good reason not to reveal anything until it's close to release
 A good reason not to reveal anything until it's close to release
Portal 2 was shown really really early, because P2 is a game where you need thousands of hours of playtesting. They showed us early builds of the game, with lots of spiked mashers. The press and us, the gamers, responded that Portal 2 was looking to be too difficult and twitch/reflex based to be a true sequel to the original. Portal 2 had a lot riding on it, it was a huge, expensive multiplatform release.

Valve knows how to make an FPS, and no doubt the next HL game will be released exclusively digitally (faster release, all profit goes to Valve), at least initially. It's also a huge IP, Valve knows there's a huge, dedicated fan-base that's going to buy it, and there will be huge media exposure.

Not to mention that the game (which is most likely built on a future-version of the Source engine) probably isn't going to be quite as groundbreaking technically as HL (and HL2) were. When HL2 released, few games had such level of immersion and attention to detail. Few games can come close to the lip-syncing and facial animations even now. Announcing it during E3 is unwise, that's when everything will be announced. Expect it to come a month or two after all the big releases have been announced.
 Let's consider the fact that Valve knows what they're doing. They know we're antsy. They know it needs to have been worth the wait.
 Let's consider the fact that Valve knows what they're doing. They know we're antsy. They know it needs to have been worth the wait.

When HL2 was released, it came just after the what was at the time probably the biggest launch in the history of console gaming, Halo 2. Halo 2 really did put competitive online console gaming on the map. PC purists talk a lot of shit about Halo 2, but it's an understatement to say it dwarfed HL2's release. Valve is an indie studio, and Bungie had just been purchased by Microsoft game studios. There was an enormous, bagillion dollar marketing campaign, that shitty song by Breaking Benjamin, and there were two different physical releases.
Half-Life 2's launch dwarfed in comparison to Halo 2's midnight madness extravaganza. 
Half-Life 2's launch dwarfed in comparison to Halo 2's midnight madness extravaganza. 
It makes much more sense for Valve to release the next Half Life game during a slow period, like the after-Christmas gaming-drought. They spend very little money on distribution (I'm sure there will be a Collector's Edition, though you'll need to order it directly from Valve, and they might even be limited to pre-order) because physical media isn't required, they don't have their thunder stolen by another Halo 2, the game doesn't risk becoming outdated before it's release.

The HL2 launch was a mess. Valve has learned from that. They have no advantage to releasing during the high-game traffic Christmas months. With Steam, they reach the same audience no matter what time of year, and they can give sales that are better than those of Black Friday. Let's all just look at Portal 2 and realize that Valve clearly knows what they're doing, and I'm hopeful we'll have an announcement soon, and the actual game within a year.