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#1  Edited By ipsilonv

Depends on what character we are talking about.  I don't want Link to be messed with. Leave him voiceless, and let him save the princess 8000 times. Mario would look silly with any depth hehehe. As for Samus, well they tried, and it seems to not really suit everyone. I think Samus can really get better development, and characterization than it did. the franchise has a lot of potential (still). regardless, if you really dwell into the stories regardless of the lack of speech, etc. You'll find dark themes,  surprisingly multi-dimensional characters at times, and a lot of depth in many of these games. Of course using your imagination also helps a lot

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#2  Edited By ipsilonv

I think I'm an ideal nintendo customer.. since I don't care for online play, since it's plagued by horrible videogames and horrible communities. And graphics are nice, but they hardly matter.
Of course it's not this simple though. First of all, even if online and graphics don't matter to me, they may matter to you. I am of the philosophy that a game needs to stand on it''s own with it's single-player mode... and online should just be a nice addition.  As for graphics.. well, it'd be beautiful to have Zelda in HD.. but ZELDA, not some other unpolished game. 
Zelda is enough for me to buy a wii. And all other games that nintendo releases are awesome bonuses. Also some other gems like Muramasa, etc.
The Wii's hardware is pretty horrible. And as a nintendo-fan (of sorts). It bothers me to not see a newer console.. even announced. That said however, PS3 and Xbox 360 don't pull out the polish of nintendo 1st party games. (but ps3 does get Valkyria Chronicles.. which is insanely good)
Think about it a lot...  It's money you are spending, and it's something that superficially might not be as engaging as it's competition. And this superficial factor really bothers 90% in the population. make sure you are in the 10% before you use your hard-earned money.

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#3  Edited By ipsilonv

EDIT:  If this is too long for you, I think DragonRex1 really explains it well and concisely... I merely go deeper into the history, and add a few of my own thoughts as to why Samus is the way she is.
I don't think I'm gonna play the game anytime soon. But I saw that video on g4, and beyond the hosts being rather disgusting.. I was a bit confused (probably because I haven't played the game).  I read the manga after playing Corruption, since I wanted to know the background story. It might be a misconception from their part in thinking that Samus is not a normal human being. Maybe they think she is supposed to be a cool superhero or something that is a cold badass, who follows her own rules and nothing else. If this were the case, then it could subjectively be sexist to portray her as a little girl that follows everything Adam says.  However, that's not who Samus is.
1. As people pointed out...Riddley killed her parents in front of her... not just killed, he tore them apart. 
2. She goes live with the Chozo (a very pacific group of super-intelligent beings about to go extinct). There she develops as a warrior.. but also develops a very caring personality.  -The same thing that killed her parents.. kills the entire Chozo population.
3. The reason she can be a badass is because she was genetically modified with Chozo blood, and can use the Varia suit which makes her a lot more than a human (while still retaining a human personality). 
This seemingly random enumeration of things is more relevant than it looks. My first point is to reinforce that she was raised as a human.. and a very traumatized human at that. i.e. She's a nice little girl when very young. Like all little girls, she goes through puberty, etc... That's what I think is seen in a lot of Metroid: Other M. Now, you might not like this fact, since watching a teenager bitch is not something we all like. But the point remains, that nintendo wanted to make her human, and not just a personality-lacking superhero. If this doesn't suit you, go play superman. 
On that same token, her father figure growing up most of her youth was a very particular old being (a Chozo) that can hardly be called a normal father. When she finds Adam Malkovich, she finds someone that will help her in her vengance, and also someone who gives her existence meaning and formation. She has literally nothing in the world, except the varia suit, her spaceship, and her education as a warrior. And maybe a lot of hate. Most humans, when young, need some direction in their life. And most orphans, seek for a parental relationship. Malkovich gives Samus both, as well as directing her into having some meaning. As far as I undersand (and please correct me here), other M shows samus as very young, barely reaching adulthood. Most people know that neither women, nor men are really adults during those times. Samus at this point, still needs some direction... a purpose. This is why she follows everything Malkovich says. After all, she has nothing else. She's not yet a badass because she's still emotional as a kid. And the formation of the federation makes her feel like she's a part of something.  (Her admiration and respect for Malkovich is doubtfully ever gonna change. Probably in Metroid Prime, she's already a lot more serious and less emotionally "unstable".)
Nways, what is important, is that this would be true for a male character too. Unless it was a superhero-type character. Of course that she's human, and can disobey orders if she REALLY doesn't like them. And of course that the premise of why samus doesn't have her powers is silly. But Nintendo isn't painting a sexist image of samus. They are (at least attempting to) paint a realistic image of a girl who lost everything. Maybe it's too overly-dramatic for you. But it's not sexist.
My second point pertains as to why she is able to show a colder side when she's a bounty hunter. She HATES riddley, and almost everything she fights in most games... mostly because they took most of the things he loved. her suit and genetic modifications make her super-human and the ideal warrior. It's like a dude driving a tank, and fighting against a bunch of archers.. of course he's gonna act all badass . But when it comes to the individual inside.. it is still a human.  
I guess my confusion lies in to whether the people calling this sexist actually know anything about the story. Or whether they are pointing an ignorant finger. I don't mind, since I'm used to ridiculous accusations of sexism. Like those aimed at Dune.
Sorry for the long post. (tldr responses are allowed :P)