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Buying Batman: I kind of do what I'm told.

 Today, I bought Batman: Arkham Asylum.

I bowed to the insane growing machine of the nascent Internet media complex! In other words, I put aside all my doubts over third person action games and licensed games and bought it purely because the reviews online were really good.

I’ve got a dodgy record with third person action games.  I like the two Gears of War games, but not as much as some, and kind of moved on from them a little too quickly.  There’s something about that type of game that just puts me off.  I can’t really put my finger on why, at least not as far as naming a specific failing within that specific genre goes.

I had heard the talk of Eidos getting up to its old tricks, being stupid enough to try and bribe journalists into providing good coverage of a game that was almost certain to get good reviews anyway. I ignored everything and still bought the game though.  

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Really, the success of this game is probably a testament to the success of all things Batman right now.  Is there any kind of fictional intellectual property that is doing better right now?  Great movies, successful cartoons for years, a successful comic as always, and now a great game, what’s next?  Bruce Willis could probably release a Batman-themed blues album and get away with it the way things are going.  
In fact, take out the “ goddamn batman” stuff and the caped crusader’s recent record is flawless.

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So I got the game.  Now let’s see if it really is any good.