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Games of the Year: 2014

That's right, folks. One man, who hasn't actually played a lot of games that came out this year, attempts to give his opinion on which of the ones he DID play were actually any good.

Honorable non-2014 mentions that I spent most of this year playing anyways: PAYDAY 2, MWO, Total War Shogun 2: FOTS, Sins of a Solar Empire, EUIV.

List items

  • Supergiant Games delivered a worthy successor to Bastion with this slick, beautiful sci-fi sequel. Though the story is less straight-forward, more linear and is more interpretive, it remains engaging and coupled with an interesting, tactical turn-based gameplay that still feels exciting and fast-paced, Transistor still managed to impress me and deliver a great experience. Also, the music was pretty good, but you already knew that.

  • Top-down, turn-based RPG is not something I imagined myself enjoying as much as I did, but Divinity's attempt to harken back to RPG's methodical, D&D-influenced past manages to still give it a fantastic modern re-imagining,elemental spell-casting, clever enemies and puzzles, and the sometimes funny, sometimes eye-rolling dialouge and story still managed to TURN me around on turn-based RPG. Get it guys? Turn? Let's...let's move on.

  • I guess this went 1.0 THIS year, despite releasing its first versions last year. Sir, You Are Being Hunted has both a great title and fun, challenging stealth-action gameplay.