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Today in The Twilight Zone: The hardships of young neo-Nazis

Now, this is my first blog, like ever. It's nothing of any importance, I just found something today that I really wanted to share with as many people as I could. Some of you may not share my sense of humor on this but I find it genuinly hilarious. Still, not the most hilarious thing that has happened this weekend but I can save that for another blog.

So, most of you will be familiar with the classic show "The Twilight Zone" I loved this show as a child and it still hold a place in my heart. Well, a series of conversations this morning after waking up with a bit of a hangover at a friends house led us to this Wkipiedia list of "The Twilight Zone" episodes. If you have a scroll down and read some of them you will notice that they are poorly described, sometimes quite hilariously. For example the vague: "A woman waiting at a bus station begins to experiance weird things" And the bizzare: "A man who enjoys loudness begins having problems" But one that stood out above all others. One that renderred us absolutely hysterical with laughter.

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 The full episode is on youtube and it's an hour long but if you have a certain sense of humor it is so worth it.