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Gears of Contra!?

  So borrowed Gear of War 2 from a friend and am actually having a blast.  I'm not really a shooter guy and Gear of War one was bland and overrated in my opinion.  Yet 2 seems to be sucking me in and i am having a lot of fun playing it.  From the crazy story that has an awesome Contra homage vis a vis being inside the Rock Worm, to the most excellent Horde mode that makes multiplayer fun for people like me who hate competitive multiplayer.  Heck i sat down for six hours today with one of my best friends and we went through all 50 waves of Horde mode.  Took us forever but i had a blast the whole time and felt like i accomplished something awesome!  I finally get it as Gears of War 2 really brings the elements together and make for a very compelling game. I haven't beaten the story yet but so far it's been awesome, (minus a super frustrating driving sequence up a moment filled with cheap deaths and bad controls).  It's too bad i took me this long to play it but i may consider actually purchasing this game and playing it  more after i've beaten the campaign.