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PSN and XBL..oh and Apple


before i got the ps3, i thought it was a bunch of over priced crap. Now I'm a total convert. Why you may ask?
I cant use my 360 to go online due to the previous owners behaviour...I did get it with 10 games for £150 for a reason. So I've never had the chance to go on XBL..and to be honest i didnt miss it.
With the PS3 however, it was great...Pain is awesome to mess around with. Pixeljunk monsters and eden are games good enough to fork out for, and super stardust always brings you back for more. Its just a shame that in the UK we get such a crap deal compared to US and JPN, but there is a way around that problem.
I just read that online gaming with XBL silver is only a temporary thing. Its free all the time with the PS3. People of course would point out that XBL costs very little a year, and the games are better and have a wider choice. All true. Still doesnt change my mind though.
Microsoft need to get their house in shape, less of the Miis and more of the consumer, otherwise they face being over taken again.

Two quick ones. After nearly a year, my ipod nano keeps dying on me. I've had to reset it twice, and each time the reset wouldnt take and it wouldnt turn on. Its working fine now...but seriously, You'd think they'd build these things to last. Ive had my Macbook Pro for over a year and its still going strong. I get the feeling ipods have a 'best before date' much like most windows as to make you fork over for a new one. Shoddy practice Apple. As a side note to a side note, my brother owns an IT company in the UK. He recently tried to expand into Australia at the behest of Apple to do some work for ABC (not the American one) After about half a year, it has become clear that Apple Australia have some very interesting ethics when it comes to work. So if you are offered any work by Apple your back. My brother decided to leave OZ completely due to their backstabbing.

Second. After all this online hullaballoo of mine, im looking into playing socom online with my psp when i get back. I brought it with the mic, so hopefully ill get some decent teamwork going.