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Only for the Big Ones

The closest midnight release would be Halo 2. Where I showed up to Wal-Mart after I finished watching a movie at about 12:15 am. I got in the existing line of about 8 people that were remaining, and ended up getting the last copy. Surprisingly though, the kid ahead of me in line was there to buy a PS2 for some reason and had no clue why there was a line around him. At the time, I was a new Xbox owner and only stopped by because I was awake anyway. I knew I wouldn't have trouble getting the game the next day.

A close second would be the morning of the N64 launch where I waited outside of a local Target for one hour for the store to open. Ever since then, I have just pre-ordered major releases and consoles online way ahead of time, and patiently stalked my UPS man.

These lines are always an interesting combination of anti-social hardcore gamers and whipped parents.