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Random thoughts

I was reading an article on steampunks, about how they love their pocket watches and have a sort of girlish setting with giant robots and steam-powered tech, and then I started to remember how possibly hilarious a steampunk protagonist could be. Then I started to think of myself in a suit, top hat, monocle, blonde handlebar mustache, and a jet pack from which I'd be flying around the neighborhood I grew up in. Randomly I'd fly to bars, where I'd annoyingly point out that I have an American accent wherein people expected a British one, and then I'd awkwardly leave quickly without a word. I started to roll my marbles around, thinking how that wouldn't be most humorous to the particular audience I would be conveying myself to in the particular medium I was attempting to perform in -- and then considered the possibility of randomly rick-rolling people while dressed in that fashion. But rick rolling isn't all that great anymore. Perhaps instead I'd randomly perform this. Then while somewhat conveying my incoherent thoughts in IRC, Random_Hero proposed the stealing of my monocle, and then dankempster said that could be the premise for Jonathan Blow's next game. Which, is of course, like all thoughts involving Braid, deep!

Then I started considering making a video game for a steampunk character... hmmm... Platforming involving massive gears, advanced pocket watch comparable to a watch from Goldeneye, or wait... X-Com UFO Defense Steampunk style? Steam tanks instead of hover tanks, and all the rookies wear brown suits and bowler hats compared to the higher ups with their black suits monocles and top hats. Perhaps there would be a beard stat...

My thoughts exactly!
My thoughts exactly!