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Best of 2011

Jerome85: Best of 2011

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  • I have only finished the main quest, the mage story line, the thieves guild and a few dozen side quests and I still feel like I haven't seen the majority of what Skyrim has to offer. So many great moments have happened on my journey that like a lot of us whenever I look at a clock it always seems to be some random time in the AM, it's easy to get side tracked on your way to and from quests. Now I have only played a mage character so far but I look forward to making a warrior and experiencing how much different the play styles are. With all that said, and so much more that could be said, Skyrim is my favorite game of 2011.

  • My love of this time period, and film noir in general I knew I was going to love this game. The facial animation is amazing, I can't wait until its normal for every game to have it, because every other game just looks silly now. If it wasn't for Skyrim this would definitely be my favorite game of the year.

  • So many great memories with the first game I couldn't wait to get my hands on Human Revolution and dig deep into what Eidos had promised was a return to form. In my opinion, they delivered. I had a blast playing through the story, trying out different strategies along the way. Hopefully we see another Deus Ex game in the next couple years.

  • First and foremost I love the Battlefield series. I actually enjoyed the single player campaign for all that it was. With that said, it's all about multiplayer and BF3 does it so right. It did take me a few matches to get back into the flow of things, considering that BF3 has a much larger scope yet at the same time somewhat slower gameplay compared to COD. It might just be the best looking PC game I have played so far, the game is gorgeous.

  • Ahh it's only been a short time since it was released and I have already played MW3 more than any other game this year. And I don't see that stopping anytime soon, that is until next November when the next game comes out. The COD formula works for me so I have no problem with what the majority of gamers have against this franchise. I think the strike packages are probably my favorite new addition this year along with the stalker perk.