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Introductory blog for Dutch GB'ers

Hey there, fellow Dutchies. 
Writing blogs is easy. Really easy, actually.  At least, when it's in your mother tongue. So this blog will be a failure. Just for the simple reason I can't organize my thoughts in English. Because that's what writing is all about: shuffle information in the right words, in the right order, for the right audiencie. 
Still, I'm gonna try to make this GB blog a succes. 'Why?', I hear you ask. Some things should be a challenge, I think. Writing in Dutch is my profession, so getting the hang of 'organizing thoughts' is no challenge anymore. I've got experience with writing at local and national newspapers. Challenges over there have more to do with 'side-stuff next to writing'. For example, changing old-fashioned newspapers into new media tycoons. 
Ah well, at least trying to do some more on the internet than publicing shovelware. Geesh, really hate it when you get fooled into thinking someone wrote an article for 'teh internetz', and realizing you read the exact same article IN YOUR PAID NEWSPAPER. Of course, after you paid. 
But for now, writing blogs in English will be my next Nemesis. How can I make this work? Just by practicing.
And F YEAH, I just earned some XP by placing this blog. Isn't that some motivation?