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jessej07: Favorites

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  • This is a game that really challenged me when I was younger. If I managed to make it 20 minutes in, which was rare, the game would inevitably freeze up because the disc was so scratched. Thankfully, just last year I obtained a new copy of the game and BEAT IT!

  • Yeah, that's right Prey- it's one of my favorite games. I found the main character's conflict with his heritage to be a really inspiring and interesting portion of the game... and although he was practically forced into embracing it, it still felt touching.

  • Maybe I like the memory of this game more than I like the game and what has happened to it since. The music still moves me, even the old MIDI style soundtrack. I definitely would look forward to a remake, but I'm not clamoring for it- this game provided me with so many great gaming moments that maybe it's best to leave them in the nebulous past.

  • This is one of those games that I wish I could get a trophy made for completing it. Not so much because it is a massive game, but because I withstood the massively lengthy load times of the Xbox console version. Still, this game pulled me in and I don't know if I've ever been so immersed in a game world ever.

  • I had rented the original Viva Pinata and loved it, but I couldn't bring myself to buy it after my rental was up. When I saw this one come out, at $40 no less, I knew I had to give it a shot. I will always have fond memories of my garden filled with cinnamonkeys and lickatoads.