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Wake up and stop blaming the year!

If you haven't heard Paul Waker, the actor of Fast and Furious among other movies died, leaving his daughter orphan of a father.

News source:

People say it's tragic, and wish the year to end, so they can leave these phenomenons behind. But they forget that such things happen not because of the year it is, or because of bad luck, they happen because people are stupid and careless. If they didn't speed, they would probably still be alive.

And because such carefree attitudes, friends and family are left suffering with the death of their loved one, like the daughter that is left without a father.

So, instead of speeding, think of your loved ones and slow down. This way the year doesn't need to end to avoid more tragedies. Because the year has nothing to do with it.

Rest in peace Paul Walker and his friend, and love to their family and friends.