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Average score of 6 user reviews

Just what is this game? 0

This game has worse graphics than the original Infinite, how do you make the same game but with worse graphics? It only has one terrible level with an awful lock on and controls, I feel like this was a money grab but that's just my opinion, one of the worse things about it is that a mission only lasts like 5 minutes because there is no way to win and your forced to lose after 5 min it really just isn't fun waiting 3 minutes to fight then fight for only 5 min, this game felt like I waiting 2 hour...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A more family friendly version of VR chat 0

The game is great but they do need to work on the bugs with the game crashing whenever I save or try to leave a room unexpectedly, the game isn't bad for being a family friendly version of VR chat it makes it better because a wider audience can play it and still have fun....

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Huston we have a problem 0

They started out good I liked it played it a lot but then came destruction instead of fixing minor bugs they took those bugs and made worse and said nothing about them in their mind they say "Those bugs don't worry about them just add more exploits and new content that may not even work or be to OP due to those bugs" Guy #2 "Sir, they might not like the bugs and the new content that is almost as bad as forcing them to pay to play the game" Guy #1 "Sorry couldn't hear you I'm to busy trying to m...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Very money hungry 0

The said they will release save the world late 2018 it's mid-2019 and they still haven't released it and they still make you pay $40 for a supposed "free" game mode, they are almost as money hungry as EA, that's saying something big to fortnite is running off of microtransactions witch no game should rely on children begging their mom to buy them the latest "hip" fortnite skins....

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

They have ruined it 0

It was good at first made good choices then they added weapon variants and that's when it fell giving people bonuses for paying them money doesn't make the game better it's just showing how money hungry you are, I don't believe they can make a come back but that's my own opinion....

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Good but neds improvement 0

The game is fun with friends and can connect well with a low amount of people but whenever I selected online battles (I'm on PS4 btw) it doesn't run very smoothly, needs rendering work and also needs some work on the hub because it lags a lot due to multiple people....

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.