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Cliff Bleszinski´s Top 10 ever

This JUST in from Cliff Bleszinski´s twitter (@therealcliffyb). His top 10 games of all time. Something I´ve been waiting for since.. I dont even know when. Huge deal.  
Find the list here !  
Alot of shockers for me here since I pretty much thought I had his top 10 nailed down years ago. But appearantly I don´t know the man quite as well as I thought. Very interesting choices overall. I really like his motivations for Link to the past and Doom in particular: "Because no other game has ever captured the magic of a childhood spent roaming in the woods quite like Zelda." and "Because I was a Marine going against the legions of Hell and it invented Deathmatch and birthed a genre. " for Doom. He nailed it! Spot on.
And here´s the quick version for you lazy kids out there that dont want to read his motivations for each one:
10. Golden Eye / Halo 
9. Contra 
8. Grand Theft Auto III 
7. Tetris Attack / Pokémon Puzzle League 
6. Legend of Zelda - A Link to the past 
5. Super Metroid 
4. BioShock 
3. Super Bomberman 
2. Doom 
1. Half-Life 2 
I guess I wouldnt take Cliff for a Half-Life 2 man and I would never ever ever put HL2 in front of Doom in such a list. And where is Mario? For as much praise that Cliff has given Miyamoto over the years one would think SMB or SMB3/World would be in there but hey, I respect the man´s opinion.