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What the hell? How did I get here?

Hail all,

So, I have been a Gamespot user for years. Know some of the local (Australian) community there well. Then I read about the split with Jeff and I was like - whoa. I was peeved, but not enough to leave the site. I got my gaming info from IGN, CVG and Kotaku, and used the Aussie and General Games Discussion Boards. But then I heard about Giant Bomb, and hey - here I am. I'd like to enjoy some fun content, well written, and hopefully smartly presented. The likes of Ryan Davis, Alex Navarro (hello Big Rigs!) and others being here helps me think I made the right choice.

So.... why now? Well, it turns out that as I grow older, I become nerdier. The DC 52 relauch was just the ticket I needed to start getting into comic books again. So I have a few of those, and I devour the Mass Effect comics as well, and that led me too look them up online, which brought me to Comic Vine. Finding an affiliate in Giant Bomb, I decided to give it a go. And so, here I am.

As I navigate my way through the site and ingratiate myself with the regulars I hope to find a community that will be enjoyable company.

