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I just reviewed Viva Pinata.

Hail all,

So, I'm still finding my way around the site. I decided to repost what is probably my favourite of my old reviews from Gamespot - Viva Pinata. It's such a great and under-appreciated title and I hope that my small contribution might get you to check it out. There's a free demo on the marketplace, and it's also on PC. The game is incredibly cheap and easy to find, and it's available in a number of bundles as well. It's still my pick of the best RARE game for Xbox 360, and its better than anything they developed on Xbox as well. I'll look into writing some more reviews for other titles, I'd like to do some more writing.

For now though, I hope you enjoy this review, and check out the game. Who knows - you might find " an entertaining sojourn that’s somewhat different from the norm."




What the hell? How did I get here?

Hail all,

So, I have been a Gamespot user for years. Know some of the local (Australian) community there well. Then I read about the split with Jeff and I was like - whoa. I was peeved, but not enough to leave the site. I got my gaming info from IGN, CVG and Kotaku, and used the Aussie and General Games Discussion Boards. But then I heard about Giant Bomb, and hey - here I am. I'd like to enjoy some fun content, well written, and hopefully smartly presented. The likes of Ryan Davis, Alex Navarro (hello Big Rigs!) and others being here helps me think I made the right choice.

So.... why now? Well, it turns out that as I grow older, I become nerdier. The DC 52 relauch was just the ticket I needed to start getting into comic books again. So I have a few of those, and I devour the Mass Effect comics as well, and that led me too look them up online, which brought me to Comic Vine. Finding an affiliate in Giant Bomb, I decided to give it a go. And so, here I am.

As I navigate my way through the site and ingratiate myself with the regulars I hope to find a community that will be enjoyable company.

