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Best of 2011

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  • The Elder Scrolls are some of my favorite games of all time, and I have been wanting this in some form or another since I finished Oblivion. I almost feel Skyrim should be disqualified from the top spot on my list since I am so horribly biased to love this game. In my opinion, Skyrim is the next logical step after Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Obsidian’s New Vegas. With the additions of armor and weapon crafting skill, natural character creation and development, and both random and quest-determined "boss" battles, it makes me wonder how the previous titles were so enjoyable without them.

  • This feels like a PC game from the early 2000s made with modern graphic visuals, but I mean that in the best way possible. I can't say "I never asked for this", but I certainly didn't expect it.

  • LA Noire, to me, is the experience of the old PC adventure games distilled for the modern multi-platform era. I was surprised that a AAA blockbuster title could be so slowly paced and deliberate. In a time when the industry is so focused on big action, I am very happy to see a publisher like Rockstar putting big support behind unique IPs and titles like LA Noire and last years Red Dead Redemption.

  • Dead Space, but "bigger" in every way. This sequel provides a larger setting with more varied locations than the first game, and involves a more diverse cast of characters. Great story, scares, and memorable sequences. Great ending!

  • I had big doubts about this as a full title. Portal was an appropriately short game, and I didn’t know if the experience and setting would work as a full, stand-alone release. I have learned to trust Valve, and they demonstrated again that they know what they are doing.

  • This was a fast and fun XBLA title that combined arcade-style giant mech combat, tower defense, and the expected dose of Double Fine charm and wit. Trenched (renamed Iron Brigade due to European copyright issues) provided some of my best multiplayer experiences of 2011.

  • There weren't many new or surprising experiences in the third Gears of War game, but there was even less to complain about. Epic has done a great job of learning what worked in their previous games, and tweaking the Gears of War gameplay accordingly since the first release. The developers have sanded smooth the rough edges of the prior games in the series. Gears 3 does have big set pieces and some really inspired action sequences, but it's nothing too different from events done in prior Gears of War titles. In the end, this game doesn't ever really blow the doors off, but it never disappoints or irritates while remaining entertaining from start to finish.

  • A unique little adventure game for the iPad with great pixel art, animation, sounds and songs. S&S is very different from anything I've ever played, and really takes advantage of the iPad in meaningful ways (touch, rotation, etc). One of the few games I would call an "experience" (as eye-rollingly annoying as that sounds).

  • A simple puzzle game involving tracks, trains, and colors. The included levels are fun and challenging and the built in editor and map sharing social community provides a seemingly unending supply of levels. One of the more enjoyable puzzle games I’ve played in years, and portable! I am surprised this hasn’t seen a DS or PC port.

  • Might be #11, give me 'till 1/1/12 to decide!

  • Might be #10, give me 'till 1/1/12 to decide!